Air quality. Control stations

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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.03.25 11:15
Available languages
Impacto ambiental, Medio Ambiente
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The Monitoring System consists of 24 automatic remote stations that collect the basic information for atmospheric surveillance. They have the necessary analysers for the correct measurement of gas and particulate levels. Remote stations are of several types: Urban background: Representative of the exposure of the urban population in general. Traffic: Located in such a way that their level of pollution is mainly influenced by emissions from a nearby street or road, but very small microenvironments should be avoided in their vicinity. Suburban s: They are located on the outskirts of the city, in the places where the highest levels of ozone are located. Other datasets related to air quality are also available on this portal: Air quality: Schedule data since 2001 Air quality: Daily data since 2001 Air quality: Real-time data as well, you can find more information about this data in the Transparency Portal & It’s air. Notice: Since 1 January 2021, the following equipment has been decommissioned from the air quality monitoring network: The last 3 hydrocarbon analysers (HC) that existed in the network, corresponding to the stations of Aguirre Schools (E08), Casa de Campo (E24) and Urbanisation Embassy (E55). Therefore, from this date no data will be provided for pollutants methane (CH 4), non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) and total hydrocarbons (THC) 5 CO analysers that were located at Arturo Soria (E16), Casa de Campo (E24), Moratalaz (E36), Barrio del Pilar (E39) and Sanchinarro (E57) 4 SO 2 analysers located in Villaverde (E17), Casa Campo (E24), Cuatro Caminos (E38) and Vallecas (E40)
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