Dataset information
Available languages
inundacion, canarias, caudal, cabildo, hidrograma, españa, escorrentia, baranco, seguridad, aguas, hidraulica, medio-ambiente, la palma, consejo insular de aguas, riesgo, 500, cauce
Dataset description
Layer of entities: Viewer\_risk\_flood
This layer of entities contains different layers of information to reflect the hazards and risks associated with a flood regime in the 3 zones that according to member states have a Significant Potential Flood Risk.
For each of the 3 zones there are the following layers of information:
· EIMP Ptos: Points of particular importance
· Pobl Affect: Affected population
· ZI: Unflooded area
· Preferred Flow Zone
· Public Hydraulic Domain
· IAMB Area: Area of environmental interest
· AECO Affect: Economic Activity Affected
All previous layers, except Preferred Flow Zone and Hydraulic Public Domain, are drawn for a return period of 100 and 500 years.
In the Points of special importance, specific conditions are described to parking lots, hotels, health center, archaeological sites, trails, historical complex, etc. Each of the affected points is given a qualification of: Light, Grave, Very Grave.
The affected population layer, gives us information on the number of inhabitants that is affected by the flood, and the total population of the municipality, to know the percentage of disease of the municipal population.
The Flood Zone gives us the surface that is occupied by water in a one-grown regime for the two periods of return. This layer specifies that, this layer was calculated with the IBER and that the source of the calculations was performed on an MDT with an accuracy of 1 meter per 1 meter of LIDAR (GRAFCAN).
The preferred Flow Zone is a layer that draws the polygon that is most often occupied by water when the ravine runs within its channel.
The Hydraulic Public Domain is established with a return period of 100 years and with the available infrastructures to stop or reduce the effect of water. Two distinct zones are established: the Public Hydraulic Domain (DPH) and the servitude zone, which are 5 meters from the DPH to each of the two margins of the channel.
The Area of Environmental Interest is a layer that indicates the protected areas that will be affected by a flood of the channel, and indicates what type of condition has the possibility of occurring.
The Affected Economic Activity divides the affected area into different areas according to the type of activity, such as agriculture, urban, forestry, water bodies, etc. establishing an economic damage estimated in euros for each of them and an area of affection for each of them.
All these layers described above are repeated for each of the river ARPSIs, which in the case of La Palma are: the ravine of Las Nieves, the ravine of Las Angustias and the ravine of La Paloma.
If you need more information about the elaboration of each of the information layers that appear in this set of layers, see the Danger Maps and Flood Risks memo in the following link: <HTTP://BIT.LY/2MX95QZ>
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