Average monthly rate (ADR) and daily income per available room (RevPAR) in hotel establishments in the Basque Country by historical territory and geographical area.
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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas
Get early access to Average monthly rate (ADR) and daily income per available room (RevPAR) in hotel establishments in the Basque Country by historical territory and geographical area. API!
The Survey of Receiving Tourist Establishments provides statistical information regarding the occupancy of hotel establishments: hotels and pensions, as well as those of rural accommodation -agrotourisms and rural houses- and tourist apartments located in the A.C. of the Basque Country. The main variables obtained are number of travelers, number of overnight stays, average stay and degrees of occupancy, both by places and rooms, and indicators of profitability of the hotel sector such as the average daily rate (ADR) or income per available room (REVPAR). The information is offered in different formats and geographical disaggregations according to the variables under study.The data of the hotel establishments are also offered through a new tool that allows to visualise and obtain the most detailed information in a simple and intuitive way.cajaDESTACADOSHOME:hover {border: 3px solid #013161; border-radius: 10px;}/explorer_data_tourism_euskadi_hoteles.html?utm_source=web & utm_medium=text_intro & utm_campaign=etr_powerbi_c“style=”margin-left:20%">
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