Cartography of Madrid City Council. WMS Service

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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2014.03.11 23:00
Available languages
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Cartography of the City of Madrid, made from photogrammetric and updated restitution of flights made in 2010, 2013 and 2016. The restitution is based on the municipal topographic network and incorporates the information of the cadastral plot and of the municipal street updated to 2013. The present WMS has been designed with the mapping developed for the scales 1,000, 5,000 and 20,000, so that in the scales other than the three reference ones, the representation has been adapted so as to obtain as much information as possible with an acceptable performance. The original data is obtained at 1:1,000 scale so printing and use at larger scales (1:500 or others) is not recommended. The WMS is published according to the OGC specifications in its versions 1.1.1 and 1.3.0. In some client & GIS desktop>Open Software type and GNU General Public License, problems can occur when using geographic coordinate systems with version OGC 1.3.0, which is why, in version 1.3.0, the system CRS:84 (length, latitude), identical to EPSG:4326 (latitude, longitude) is added. It has also been detected on computers with Windows operating systems that if in Display Properties within Advanced Options a font configuration other than the normal size is chosen, the visibility of scales on the desktop client is affected in the following way: Display scale denominator = Denominator of the defined scale * [1+ (source size increase percentage)/100]. Some viewers, by default, alphabetically sort the layers shown, which can alter the correct visualisation of the information. In the geoportal of Ayutamiento de Madrid the information and complete services of this data set are available through the following links: WMS Cartography Service 2010 WMS Cartography Service 2013 Cartography Map Service 2016 You can also consult the municipal cartography through the Urban Viewer. Source: Geoportal City Council of Madrid.
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