Citizen Card: Duplicates in 2006

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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.04.01 07:40
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Dataset description

this set of data contains the information regarding the Duplicates of the Citizen Card during 2006. When due to loss, deterioration or theft of the citizen card it is necessary to obtain a duplicate, it can be obtained, in person, in any of the Offices of Attention to Citizenship, after payment of the fees established in the Regulatory Ordinances of Taxes and Municipal Public Prices, which are approved annually and published on the municipal website. The duplicate shall be free of charge when the deterioration of the card occurs within the first three months of its delivery or has occurred by the use of municipal self-service terminals or similar equipment; in the event that the cardholder is the beneficiary of the Voucher-Gratuito of the public transport service, and also when the holder of the card proves by means of the corresponding complaint, the theft of the same. Other datasets, historical by annuities and current year, related to the Citizen Card are also available: Duplicates since 2003. Cards Existing since the Year 2002. High since 2002. Uses since 2003. Together with the above there are also the datasets: Citizen Card: in the neighborhood. Citizen Card: By Postal Code. Citizen card. By age. Citizen Card: By Age, Sex, Neighborhood. Citizen Card: For sex.
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