Citizen Card: Uses Year 2007

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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.04.01 12:13
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Dataset description

This data set contains information on the uses of the Citizen Card during 2007. The Citizen Card is a multipurpose document for personal and non-transferable use, which identifies its holder, allowing you to make use of the following services and services: Payment of municipal bus transport in any of its modalities and tickets; Payment of the O.R.A.; Municipal libraries, for consultation and lending of books; Carry out online procedures through the website of the City Council; Free access to public toilets; Free access to bicycles installed within the GijónBici system; Registration and/or reservation in sports, cultural courses and the Popular University of Gijón; Access, by fertiliser, to the swimming pools or to the municipal golf courses; Access to Cimadevilla at night with your own vehicle (limited to the owners of vehicle or garage space in the neighborhood). Any person using the municipal services, can apply for the citizen card, regardless of whether they reside in Gijón. Other datasets, historical by annuities and current year, related to the Citizen Card are also available: Uses since 2003. Cards Existing since the Year 2002. Duplicates since 2003. High since 2002. Together with the above there are also the datasets: Citizen Card: in the neighborhood. Citizen Card: By Postal Code. Citizen card. By age. Citizen Card: By Age, Sex, Neighborhood. Citizen Card: For sex.
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