Criminal offences charged against the person convicted in cases with final judgement by type and age group. VGD (API identifier: 28299)

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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to Criminal offences charged against the person convicted in cases with final judgement by type and age group. VGD (API identifier: 28299) API!

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.05.10 11:00
Available languages
Faltas, Security and justice, Otras faltas sin especificar, Injurias, From 18 to 24 years old, Total Infracciones, Lesiones, Seguridad y justicia, Edad del denunciado, Todas las edades, Torturas e integridad moral, De 25 a 44 años, From 25 to 44 years old, Detenciones ilegales y secuestro, 65 and over, Age of the accused, 65 y más años, VGD, Amenazas, Agresiones sexuales, Delitos Faltas, Statistics, Homicidio y sus formas, Coacciones, Abusos sexuales, Allanamiento de morada, Faltas contra las personas, Daños, De 18 a 24 años, Quality of life and living conditions, Nivel calidad y condiciones de vida, Delitos, Otros delitos sin especificar, Estadísticas, From 45 to 64 years, Less than 18 years, Estadística de Violencia Doméstica y Violencia de Género, All ages, Menos de 18 años, Legal activity, Actividad judicial, Quebrantamiento de condena, De 45 a 64 años, Statistics on Domestic Violence and Gender Violence
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Table of INEBase Criminal offences charged against the person convicted in cases with final judgement by type and age group. Annual. National. Statistics on Domestic Violence and Gender Violence
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