Daily quantitative data for the Andalusia Air Quality Index

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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.01.12 12:21
Available languages
Índice de Calidad del Aire, Datos a nivel provincia, Datos cuantitativos
Quality scoring

Dataset description

# Daily Quantitative Data of the Andalusia Air Quality Index by province. ## Data from __25 October 2021__. The calculation of the Air Quality Index is based on the [Resolution of __2 September 2020__](https://www.boe.es/eli/es/res/2020/09/02/(1)), which modifies the Annex to Order TEC/351/2019, of March 18, approving the National Air Quality Index. The value of the index is determined by the concentrations, at each measuring station, of up to five key pollutants: * Suspended particles __PM10__. * Suspended particles __PM2.5__. * Tropospheric ozone (__O3__). * Nitrogen dioxide (__NO2__). * Sulfur dioxide (__SO2__). In this data set you will find the __real values of the parameters measured__ by the different sensors that constitute the Network of Monitoring and Control of Air Quality of Andalusia, taking into account that, when referring to the Air Quality Index, the data provided apply to these five key pollutants. The data provided are __communicated every hour__, and __complemented__, if necessary, __by modelled air quality data from the Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service [__CAMS__ (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service) of the European Union](https://regional.atmosphere.copernicus.eu/index.php?category=ensemble&subensemble=hourly_ensemble&date=LAST&calculation-model=ENSEMBLE&species=o3&level=SFC&offset=000). It should be borne in mind that these data are not verified by the networks and could therefore differ from the data contained in the official air quality reports prepared by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. The data are presented organised by __provinces__ (8 files, one per province) and include, for each of them, all __data of the hourly values measured during a day, by municipality and station__. __Source__: [Alucia Air Quality Monitoring and Control Network](https://ws041.juntadeandalucia.es/pentaho/api/repos/%3Apublic%3ACalidad_Aire%3ACalidad_Aire.wcdf/generatedContent)
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