Dates of flight of the Orthophoto 1/1,000-1999/2010

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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.10.27 22:00
Available languages
Ortoimágenes, Orthoimagery
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Dates of the flights of the orthophotos made between 1999 and 2010, for the realisation of basic cartography and orthophotos of those municipalities that signed a Collaboration Agreement for the elaboration of the Municipal General Plan. Represented by a polygon shapefile that represents the same flight date in the making of the orthophoto mosaic, so we can know the flight year of each of the areas of the orthophoto. At the edge of the polygon that defines each zone and which is close to another flight date, the exact date cannot be secured as the final delimitation could have changed. The flights have been made with the following cameras: — 1999: flight made with analog camera WILD RC-10 1052 from Leyca, with focal 153.26 millimeters. — 2000: flight made with analog camera RMKTOP ATII 4151, of Zaiss with focal 304.26 mm. — 2001: flight made with analog camera WIKD RC10, with focal 304.26 mm. — 2002: flight made with camera RC-30 13403 of Leyca, with focal 153.44 millimeters and RMKTOP of Zaiss with focal 305.58 mm. — 2003: flight made with analog camera RC-30 13403 of Leyca, with focal 153.44 millimeters. — 2004: flight made with RC-10 analog camera of Leyca, with focal 305.36 millimeters. Except Ribaforada, which used a camera RMKTOP ZEISS 30 AT II 4110 analogue, with focal 153,996 millimeters (it was done in September). — 2005: flight made with analog camera RC-30 13403 of Leyca, with focal 153.44 millimeters. — 2006: flight made with analog camera RC-10 4110 of Leyca, with focal of 305.36 millimeters. — 2007: flight made with Vexcel Ultra ULTRACAM D analog camera with a focal length of 100.5 millimeters. — 2008: flight made with Vexcel Ultra ULTRACAM X analog camera with a focal length of 100.5 millimeters. — 2009: flight made with Vexcel Ultra ULTRACAM X analog camera with a focal length of 100.5 millimeters. — 2010: flight made with analog camera model Leica ADS 40 with a focal length of 62.5 millimeters.
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