Ecological Corridors Network Project

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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.12.20 23:00
Available languages
Euskadi, Ingurumena, Habitatak eta biotopoak, Desarrollo sostenible, Ingurunema, País Vasco, Hábitats y biotopos, Garapen iraunkorra, Medio Ambiente
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The project was developed in 2005 and responds to the need to conserve and restore the functional connection between natural areas possessing wild species whose depleted populations tend to be isolated. Based on the available information of the geographical elements with an impact on the problem of study (distribution of fauna, vegetation, land uses, hydrographic network, road network and population centers, network of protected natural areas, etc.), a spatial and functional analysis of the landscape of the C.A.E. is carried out in order to establish a physical network of Ecological Corridors that guarantee the connectivity or permeability of the landscape for the species of fauna affected by the fragmentation of their habitats and populations. The structure of the Ecological Corridors Network of the C.A.E. is configured around the core spaces to be connected. Corridors and link areas are the connecting elements, while the buffer areas are located surrounding both the linkage areas and the aforementioned connecting elements. The sections of the river network not included in these four figures, and which for their connecting interest must be part of the structure of the Network of Corridors, completes the spatial scope of it. Finally, ecological restoration areas constitute degraded enclaves within the above elements.
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