Kit or multimedia bibliographic catalogue from the Spanish National Library

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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

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2022.12.13 23:00
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Dataset description

The bibliographic records of “Kit or multimedia” of the National Library of Spain, establish in a standardised way the description of the kit and other multimedia materials that the BNE houses, in accordance with the regulations of technical process: International Standard Book Description (ISBD), MARC21 Catalogue and Formatting Rules for Bibliographic Records. This category includes various materials contained in a case, such as a set of curricular social science material (books, exercise books, guides, activities, etc.) or a package of educational tests (tests, answer sheets, evaluation guides, evaluation sheets, interpretation manuals, etc.). On the one hand, the data are presented in original format (MARC and MARC-XML), ISO 2709: format of exchange and integration of bibliographic information in automated environments). And on the other hand, the data mapped in CSV, JSON, ODS, TXT and XML formats. To publish these datasets a mapping of the records of our catalog, encoded in origin in MARC format has been carried out. For each record type, a series of MARC fields and subfields have been set to retrieve and display, and a literal has been defined to describe the data being displayed. You can consult the [Full bibliographic catalogue]( How to cite the set: Title of the data set. [Data set]. Version of DDMMAAAA. Dataset URL E.g. Archive of the Spanish Web: Autonomous Community of Aragon. [Data set]. January 2019 version. Contact: [[email protected]](and mailto:[email protected])
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