Main figures according to main activity (CNAE-2009 to 1 digit) and size (by personnel employed). EEE:SER (API identifier: 49319)

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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

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2022.06.09 11:00
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De 0 a 1, Inversión en activos materiales, Otros servicios, Estadísticas, Variables, Value of production, Actividades administrativas y servicios auxiliares, Actividades profesionales científicas y técnicas, ARTS ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION, Actividades artísticas recreativas y de entretenimiento, OTHER SERVICE ACTIVITIES, Activities according to CNAE-2009 hierarchy, Estrato de ocupados, Transporte y almacenamiento, Hostelería, EEE:SER, Added value at factor cost, Cifra de negocios, Actividades según jerarquía CNAE-2009, Valor añadido a coste de los factores, Personal remunerado, Information and communication, Gross investment in tangible assets, Información y comunicaciones, Valor de la producción, Gastos de personal, Estadística Estructural de Empresas: Sector Servicios, De 10 a 19, Servicios, Número de empresas, Annual Services Survey, ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICE ACTIVITIES, Real estate activities, Services (general statistics), Personal ocupado, Excedente bruto de explotación, Statistics, De 50 a 249, Servicios (estadísticas generales), Actividades inmobiliarias, PROFESSIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES, Number of companies, De 20 a 49, Expenditure on personnel, Net turnover, Employed persons, Transportation and storage, De 250 o más, Paid personnel, Accommodation and food service activities, Total, Services, De 2 a 9, Total de compras de bienes y servicios
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Table of INEBase Main figures according to main activity (CNAE-2009 to 1 digit) and size (by personnel employed). Annual. National. Annual Services Survey
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