Mountains of Castile and Leon: sustainable Forest Certification (PEFC)

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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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2021.08.14 22:00
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Zonas sujetas a ordenación, a restricciones o reglamentaciones y unidades de notificación
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Dataset description

Forests attached to the process of Sustainable Forest Certification under the PEFC system in Castilla y León, 2021. Digital mapping layer of the forests that have been the subject of Sustainable Forest Certification (GFS) under the PEFC system in 2021 in the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León. The indicative limits of the mountains, both with public and private management, are represented, certified in the year 2021 in Castilla y León, in which all the requirements established in the aforementioned certification standards are met. Forest certification is an instrument that guarantees and demonstrates to the consumer that wood or any other forest resource (cork, resin...) comes from a sustainably managed forest. Essential requirement to ensure the certification of forest material from a forest ordered by its corresponding forest planning document. Compliance with certification requirements is assessed by an external audit based on internationally recognised standards. In Spain, two seals are used to certify Sustainable Forest Management, FSC and PEFC. Regional Certification in Castilla y León, implemented under the PEFC system — PanEuropeann Forest Certification -, can be defined as the participatory process through which interested forest sector agents establish a mechanism that allows to accredit Sustainable Forest Management within the Autonomous Community, giving access to certification to those owners, both public and private, who undertake, actively and voluntarily, to comply with the reference standard.
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