National Biodiversity Inventory — Euskadi Nature Information System

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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

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2022.09.29 22:00
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Dataset description

National Biodiversity Inventory, an initiative of the Ministry of the Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs, developed through the Directorate-General for Natural Environment and Forest Policy. Through this initiative, Spain complies with Article 7 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (ratified by Spain in 1993), which indicates the need for inventory and monitoring of biodiversity, as well as the maintenance of the resulting information. The databases are regularly updated as a result of the monitoring projects of the different taxonomic groups, and the new taxonomic groups treated are introduced. The final objective is to have the corological information and conservation status of each updated taxon, as well as obtaining indicators that show population trends. The databases of the National Biodiversity Inventory constitute the national information used for the elaboration of the corresponding Atlas and Red Books for each taxonomic group. The scale used is the UTM grid of 10x10 km. Here the data corresponding to the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country have been imported from Gbif.
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