Official Control of Food Products — Provinces

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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
productos alimenticios, alimentos, control oficial, salud pública, provincia
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Research programme for residues in products of animal origin: the objective of this programme is to ensure that products of animal origin placed on the market for human consumption do not contain residues of veterinary medicinal products or environmental contaminants above legal limits, as well as prohibited substances. To achieve this objective, the monitoring of these substances is carried out through a sampling and analysis plan established annually. Sampling can be carried out under two sub-programmes, a random sampling subprogramme in which the samples to be taken will be proportional to the number of animals slaughtered and to the productions of the year preceding the implementation of the plan, and another suspect programme carried out only on products from animals suspected to have been subjected to illegal treatments, or treatments which, while using authorised substances, have not respected waiting times. This dataset shows the distribution of samples between these two programs.
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