Con mucha facilidad, Con mucha dificultad, Spanish, Difficulty making ends meet, With a certain degree of difficulty, Quality of life and living conditions, Extranjera: Resto del mundo y apátrida, Nacionalidad, Con cierta facilidad, With a certain degree of ease, No consta, Nationality, Dificultad para llegar a fin de mes, Total, Foreign: Rest of the world and stateless person, With a great deal of ease, Con facilidad, Condiciones y calidad de vida, With difficulty, Nivel calidad y condiciones de vida, Foreign: European Union, Estadísticas, Extranjera: Unión Europea, Con dificultad, Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida (ECV), Statistics, With a great deal of difficulty, Life conditions and quality, With ease, No data recorded, Con cierta dificultad, Española, ECV, Living Conditions Survey (LCS)