Problems or chronic diseases or diseases of long evolution suffered in the last 12 months and diagnosed by a doctor by sex and realtion with the current economic activity. Population aged 15 yea ... (API identifier: /t15/p420/a2019/p01/l0/02018.px)

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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to Problems or chronic diseases or diseases of long evolution suffered in the last 12 months and diagnosed by a doctor by sex and realtion with the current economic activity. Population aged 15 yea ... (API identifier: /t15/p420/a2019/p01/l0/02018.px) API!

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2021.04.26 00:00
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Athrosis (excluding arthritis), Sí, Ictus (embolia infarto cerebral hemorragia cerebral), Problemas de riñón, Infarto de miocardio, Labores del hogar, Cirrhosis of the liver liver failure, Hemorroides, Incontinencia urinaria o problemas de control de la orina, Lesiones o defectos permanentes causados por un accidente, Tensión alta, Osteoporosis, Unemployed, Angina pectoris heart disease, Statistics, No, sex, En desempleo, Otras enfermedades del corazón, Stomach or duodenum ulcer, Unable to work, Otros, TOTAL, No data recorded, Malignant tumours, Problemas del periodo menopáusico (solo mujeres), Úlcera de estómago o duodeno, Chronic constipation, Cataratas, Estudiando, Encuesta Europea de Salud, actividad económica, Varicose veins in the legs, Haemorroids, Other heart diseases, sexo, Asthma (included allergic asthma), Permanent injuries or defects caused by an accident, Both sexes, Prostate problems (only men), No consta, Mujeres, Jubilado/a o prejubilado/a, diseases, Chronic allergy such as rhinitis conjunctivitis or allergic dermatitis food allergies or other type, Chronic back pain (lower back), Ambos sexos, Studying, Estreñimiento crónico, Diabetes, Urinary incontinency or problems with urine control, enfermedades, Problemas crónicos de piel, Working, European Health Survey, Ansiedad crónica, Yes, Trabajando, Cirrosis disfunción hepática, Other mental problems, Health, High blood pressure, Chronic back pain (neck), State of health and conditioning factors, Estadísticas, Incapacitado/a para trabajar, Housework, Otros problemas mentales, Depresión, Salud, Artrosis (excluyendo artritis), Migraña o dolor de cabeza frecuente, Dolor de espalda crónico (lumbar), economic activity, Estado de salud y factores condicionantes, yes or no, Asma (incluida asma alérgica), Varices en las piernas, Other, Menopause problems (only women), Bronquitis crónica enfisema enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC), High cholesterol, Colesterol alto, Dolor de espalda crónico (cervical), Depression, Problemas de tiroides, Tumores malignos, Chronic skin problems, Myocardial infarction, Women, Migraines or frequent headaches, Hombres, Chronic bronchitis emphysema chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Chronic anxiety, Kidney problems, Thyroid problems, Ictus (embolism stroke cerebral haemorrhage), Alergia crónica como rinitis conjuntivitis o dermatitis alérgica alergia alimentaria o de otro tipo, Problemas de próstata (solo hombres), Men, sí o no, Angina de pecho enfermedad coronaria, Retired person or early retirement person, Cataracts
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Table of INEBase Problems or chronic diseases or diseases of long evolution suffered in the last 12 months and diagnosed by a doctor by sex and realtion with the current economic activity. Population aged 15 years old and over. National. European Health Survey
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