Public Prosecutor’s Office — Environment

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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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2020.12.30 23:00
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Dataset description

The specialised areas of the Public Prosecutor’s Office are analysed with the aim of carrying out a control and monitoring of them: Jurisdiction of minors The Public Prosecutor’s Office has powers in matters of reform and protection of minors. In the area of reform, the nature of the offences that have been the subject of proceedings, the sentences handed down and the procedures processed by the Public Prosecutor’s Offices are set out. In the area of protection, there is notice of the different types of files in which this educational work is articulated, as well as the visits that are carried out to the protection centres. Domestic violence Information is presented with the aim of explaining how cases in this matter have a presence in the judicial bodies, the relationship that binds aggressors and victims and the nature of the criminal offences that are the subject of the proceedings. Gender-based violence The information sets out how these cases have a presence in judicial bodies; procedural acts as relevant as the qualifications given by the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the judgments rendered; interim measures agreed in court proceedings; the penalties imposed in convictions; the nature of the criminal offences that are the subject of the proceedings and, finally, how these cases are present in the investigation proceedings of the Public Prosecutor’s Office. Occupational accidents The information revolves around the judicial proceedings and tax investigation proceedings that give rise to these matters; as an activity of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, it is reported on the letters of qualification issued by the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the communications about accidents at work received from the administrative authorities; as a judicial activity, it is reported on the archiving decisions agreed during the investigation phase and the sentences handed down by the criminal courts. Foreigners The information offered is articulated around two blocks: issues affecting unaccompanied minors (Menas) and the criminal relevance affecting specific groups of persons: those who are trafficked, foreign citizens in general, foreign workers in particular and, finally, those who are subjected to prostitution conduct. Road safety Offences committed in this area are grouped around specific offences. Within each of them, it can be seen how they are present in two areas: on the one hand, different judicial procedures (previous, urgent, abbreviated and summary) and prosecutorial procedures (investigative proceedings) and, on the other hand, procedural proceedings (prosecution of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, sentences handed down and precautionary measures of pre-trial detention adopted). Environment The presence of environmental crime is addressed in three distinct areas: the measures of investigation of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the qualifications it gives in the various judicial proceedings and the judgments given therein. Cybercrimes: The information revolves mainly around the crimes that characterise this matter. Within each, it is contemplated its presence in two significant procedural acts, such as the qualifications formulated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the convictions that are handed down. He is also informed of his presence in the investigation proceedings of the Public Prosecutor’s Office. It also presents a summary of the investigative measures aimed at these crimes, the sentences handed down by them and the persons involved in these proceedings. Disability: The Public Prosecutor’s Office has a relevant initiative regarding the group of people who need support measures in response to the disability that affects them. The information reflects the number of prosecution proceedings that, as an internal procedure of the same, deal with the analysis of the problem of these persons, prior to possibly going to a judicial body to request the adoption of measures. The second block of information refers to the cases in which the Prosecutor’s Office prosecutes these cases through the presentation of the appropriate demands and the sentences that are handed down in the proceedings instituted by the Prosecutor’s Office.
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