Total number of effective weekly hours worked by all persons employed full time by professional situation, sex and branch of activity. EPA (API identifier: 4337)

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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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2023.01.26 09:00
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WATER SUPPLY, ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICE ACTIVITIES, U0NDIFFERENTIATED GOODS- AND SERVICES-PRODUCING ACTIVITIES OF, Person who works without a set pay in the company or business of a relative they live with, EPA, Information and communication, Agricultura ganadería silvicultura y pesca, ACTIVITIES OF HOUSEHOLDS AS EMPLOYERS, PROFESSIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES, COMPULSORY SOCIAL SECURITY, Trabajador por cuenta propia, Otra situación, Labour market, Actividades financieras y de seguros, Educación, Accommodation and food service activities, Sexo, EDUCATION, Comercio al por mayor y al por menor, Industrias extractivas, Construcción, Member of a cooperative, ELECTRICITY GAS STEAM AND AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY, Mercado laboral, Hombres, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND DEFENCE, HUMAN HEALTH AND SOCIAL WORK ACTIVITIES, Females, Hostelería, Mercado laboral y salarios, Employer, Empresario sin asalariados o trabajador independiente, Empleador, Actividades artísticas recreativas y de entretenimiento, Both sexes, Actividades profesionales científicas y técnicas, Males, Actividades administrativas y servicios auxiliares, SITUACIÓN PROFESIONAL, Transporte y almacenamiento, Otros servicios, Wage-earners: Total, ARTS ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION, Rama de actividad CNAE 2009, Ayuda en la empresa o negocio familiar, Labour market and wages, Businessperson without wage earners or independent worker., ACTIVITIES OF EXTRATERRITORIAL ORGANISATIONS AND BODIES, reparación de vehículos de motor y motocicletas, Economically Active Population Survey, Wage earners, CNAE total, Public sector wage earner, Mujeres, Miembro de una cooperativa, Asalariados : Total, Financial and insurance activities, Ambos sexos, Total CNAE, Actividades sanitarias y de servicios sociales, Asalariado sector público, OTHER SERVICE ACTIVITIES, Estadísticas, MINING AND QUARRYNG, actividades de los hogares como p, Private sector wage earner, Administración Pública y defensa, Sex, Suministro de energía eléctrica gas vapor y aire acondicionado, Asalariado sector privado, Construction, Agriculture forestry and Fishing, Self-employed worker, Real estate activities, Actividades de organizaciones y organismos extraterritoriales, Suministro de agua actividades de saneamiento gestión de residuos y descontaminación, Información y comunicaciones, SEWERAGE WASTE MANAGEMENT AND REMEDIATION ACTIVITIES, Total, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, Actividades de los hogares como empleadores de personal doméstico, Industria manufacturera, Transportation and storage, Actividades inmobiliarias, Statistics, Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA), Seguridad Social obligatoria, PROFESSIONAL SITUATION, Wholesale and retail trade, Manufacturing
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Table of INEBase Total number of effective weekly hours worked by all persons employed full time by professional situation, sex and branch of activity. Quarterly. National. Economically Active Population Survey
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