Dataset information
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Año 2023, turismo, estadísticas, campings
Dataset description
Dades setmanals amb informed d’empreses Turístiques inscribed in the Registre de Turisme de la Comunitat Valenciana.
S’entén per càmping l’espai de terreny degudament delimitat i conditiont per a seua temporary occupation per persones that claim to ferr life a l’aire lliure, amb finalitats holiday or turístics, utilitzant com a mitjà d’allotjament Albergs mòbils, tendes de campanya, caravans or altres similar elements easy transportable dotats d’elements of rolling, in conditions d’ús i exempts de fonamentació, except a Nivellament sanitari; Això, sense perjudici de l’existència d’Unitats o mòduls de propietat of the person holding l’establiment, or posades a la disposicé d’aquesta per persones or entitats operators Turístiques per a ús exclusiu de la seua clientela, tipus cabanya, bungalow, habitatge mòbil (mobile-home), or Unitats singulars degudament homologades or accredits segons the seua typology i normative d’application.
Weekly data with information about tourist companies registered in the Tourism Registry of the Valencian Community.
Camping means the area of land duly delimited and conditioned for temporary occupation by persons intending to make life in the open air, for holiday or tourist purposes, using as a means of accommodation mobile shelters, tents, caravans or other similar easily transportable elements equipped with rolling elements, in full conditions of use and free of foundation, except health leveling; this, without prejudice to the existence of units or modules owned by the owner of the establishment, or made available to it by persons or tourist operators for the exclusive use of their clientele, cabin type, bungalow, mobile housing (mobile-home), or unique units duly approved or accredited according to their typology and applicable regulations.
(art. 50(1) Decree 10/2021 of 22 January)
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