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Provided by Agency for Digital Government

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The Swedish Maritime Territory and Maritime Zones Act (2017: 1272) shall apply from 1 March 2018. Baselines and boundaries are reported with all coordinates in annexes to the Act. The lines defining the boundaries have been divided into shorter segments in order to be accurately accounted for in existing map projections. Base-line, low-water and low-water points have been inspected and measured and form the basis for the calculation made of the sea boundary of the maritime territory and the boundary of the adjacent zone. Straight baselines run between baselines located on the low water line of the coast (-0,5 metres RH2000) and follow the main direction of the coast. Normal baselines occur along certain parts of the coasts of Skåne, Öland and Gotland and follow the low-water line along the coastlines where we do not have straight baselines. The points on the low-water line are located on normal baselines and have been selected where the position is expected to affect the calculation of the sea boundary of the maritime territory. Low water is located outside the baselines and has been selected on a corresponding basis. The following attributes can be found in point shape file: Röpnr_One — Base Line Point (BP) serial number of the respective sub-route. Partial route — baselines are presented with the following sections: Mainland and Öland, Gotland including Fårö and Lilla Karlsö, Gotska Sandön, Stora Karlsö, Märket, Märkeshällarna. Point Number_Name — Base Line Point and Lowwater Low Water Number and Name Latitude & Longitud — All points along the boundary are described by geographical coordinates in latitude and longitude expressed in the SWEREF 99 reference system in degrees and decimal minutes as defined by law and in decimal degrees. Punch type — The following points are present: • point on the low-water line along the normal baseline (LP); • endpoint on straight baseline, baseline (BP); • segmented point on a straight geodetic line between two base line points (MP); and • Low-water point located outside a baseline (LS). Type of baseline — The type of baseline (straight/normal) starting in the point. Source — Act (2017: 1272) on Swedish maritime territory and maritime zones. Unique ID — A unique ID added by the Swedish Maritime Administration. The following attributes exist in the line shape file: Partial distance — straight baseline. Source — Act (2017: 1272) on Swedish maritime territory and maritime zones.
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