Green areas in urban areas WMS

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Provided by Agency for Digital Government

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Statistikmyndigheten SCB - Statistiska centralbyrån
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Green areas in agglomerations are geographically delimited by SCB as part of the production of official statistics on green areas and green areas in urban areas. Data made available here are therefore primarily intended for statistical production. A green area is defined by SCB as an area of contiguous green areas of at least 0,5 hectares that is widely available. Pasture is counted as green areas, but not arable land. Green areas are defined geographically within urban areas. The minimum accounting unit is 0,5 hectares. The definition therefore does not take into account whether the areas are designated as green areas in the municipality’s overview or detailed plans. The demarcation of green areas is based on satellite data that are co-processed with spatial and index data from the Lantmäteriet. Data are available for two different reference times, 2010 and 2015. The 2010 data cover only green areas in the 37 largest agglomerations according to the 2010 agglomeration boundary. The 2015 data cover green areas in all agglomerations according to the 2015 agglomeration boundary.
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