Hydrological model (S-HYPE2016) — Water level analysis data and observations for the Great Lakes

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Dataset information

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hydrologi, hydrosphere > ground water > discharge/flow, dataportal.se, geodata.se, vattenföring, hydrology, öppna data, modelldata, SMHI - Öppna Data
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Dataset description

DESCRIPTION: The dataset contains historical analytical data from the hydrological model S-HYPE2016 for the last 30 days for the period 06-06. Forecast data not included. Precipitation and temperature from SMHI’s PTHBV database have been used to drive the model. The dataset also contains observation data for the 5 large Swedish lakes from SMHI’s hydrological observation database. Parameters included in the file for 5 subareas are: wcom — Model-calculated water level in discharge lake, unit m. The value refers to the water level at the end of the time step. wstr — Observed water level in discharge lake, unit m. The value is the last available observed water level within the time period. The sub-areas included are: 20344 — Storsjön, 5049 — Lake Vänern, 63815 — Vättern, 40897 — Hjälmaren, 7087 — Mälaren. S-HYPE2016 is a hydrological model that describes the evolution of water flow and other hydrological parameters in time and space. Hype is a hydrological model for integrated simulation of flows and circulation of water and nutrients. It provides the possibility to calculate factors related to water resources and quality, but also other hydrological information with a high degree of geographical detail. S-HYPE2016 is a set of HYPE model for Sweden with a subdivision based on SVAR2016. More information about S-HYPE2016 and the hype model can be found in the Reference Guide to SMHI Vattenwebb; https://www.smhi.se/Professionella-tjanster/Professionella-tjanster/Miljo-och-klimat/Vattenmiljo/referensguide-till-smhi-vattenwebb-1.22742 DELIVERY: In this service you can download files with real-time data via web service at delivery fee. The files shall be saved before further use. Send an e-mail to [email protected] for order. GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: The geographical identity used is subid, which is the internal subarea name of S-HYPE2016. The connection table (csv) and map file (shape) for the subid/subarea link, can be accessed via the download service. There is also a readme file describing how the files should be used. USE: At SMHI, S-HYPE2016 is used as a basis for hydrological forecasts for the hydrological warning service. The model is also used to simulate water flow and water quality for the Swedish water management, as well as as a hydrological model for climate scenarios and in more research projects. FORMAT: Data is delivered in NetCDF4 format that partly follows CF conventions CF-1.6 for point data. Description of the Convention can be found at: https://cfconventions.org/Data/cf-conventions/cf-conventions-1.6/build/cf-conventions.html
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