Jvgdata kilometer board

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Provided by Lantmäteriet

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Dataset description

The data product kilometreboard controls the length measurement in the reference system and provides a location determination of the plant’s objects. Kilometreboard contains reference information so that it can be derived from a zero point (usually Stockholm Central but the zero point can also be based on other places), partly against the previous kilometreboard and its characteristics, and partly against the bandel it is in. The Kilometer boards appear one per kilometre and are used to determine different features along the railway such as gears, signals, bridges, etc. In connection with a line shift, where the length of the railway is changed, the kilometre division is normally not repeated. This creates kilometre markers that do not have a difference in length of 1000 meters. Each kilometre post can then be considered to be the reference points for the positioning of objects along the runway, where the indication is based on the preceding kilometre pole, even if the length between these is not exactly 1000 metres. An indication may be “Main Signal 114+ 228”, which means that the main signal is located after kilometre pole 114 plus 228 metres. The most important attributes for kilometre board are Km which contains the number of kilometers to zero and Bandel. Also Fg painting Km and Fg painting Bandel referring to the previous Kilometer Board’s Km and bandels attributes are essential. With their help, you can search for each track. The data product has a point spread and connects to the network with reference to the previous node. Indication km + meter is for kilometerboard everything x km + 0 meters.
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