Jvgdata Rälsupply

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Provided by Agency for Digital Government

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Dataset description

Cants are normally arranged in circular and transition curves in the track so that the outer rail is higher than the inner rail. They aim to reduce the lateral force that occurs in the curve. Properly designed cants lead to greater comfort for passengers, higher speeds in curve and lower maintenance costs for tracks and vehicles. The cant shall be increased and reduced by means of cant ramps. Cant is included as a track element in the description of track geometry and is part of plane geometry, which also includes circular curves, straight lines and transition curves. The data product contains the size of the cant in the start and end points of the geometry element (=key points) and is expressed in millimetres. The cant is indicated positively when the outer rail is higher than the inner rail and negative when the inner rail is higher than the outer rail (so-called negative cant). For transition curves, the type of ramp is also specified. The type of ramp is straight or curved. Straight ramp is the most common type and is normally used to change the cant through a transition curve of the type globeoid. Curved ramps are used together with curved transition curves in existing tracks but are not newly added. The data product has stretch distribution and connects to the network with reference to the nearest previous node and nearest previous kilometre board with distance in meters to both the start and end positions of the circular curve (=key points) in the direction of the track link.
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