Seveso facilities

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.09.30 00:00
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Quality scoring

Dataset description

NOTE! On 1 October 2022, a change of operating environment will be made for this data set, which means that the old display service will stop working. The new link to the display service is available in the distribution tab. The Sefari system has been developed to meet the requirements for reporting inspections under Council Directive 2012/18/EU on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances, the so-called Seveso III Directive, to the European Commission. In Sweden, the Directive has been implemented through, among other things, the Act (SFS 1999:381) on measures to prevent and limit the consequences of serious chemical accidents. The new Sefari system covers activities under Seveso legislation, activities under the Accident Protection Act and the Extractive Waste Ordinance and the INSPIRE Directive. The Sefari system includes activities that deal extensively with hazardous substances (including Seveso operations), dams, nuclear installations, airports and mines. All in accordance with the various legislations. The information in the system is used, for example, as a basis for MSB’s reporting to the European Commission on how Sweden complies with the Seveso Directive, in supervisory guidance and in various compilations. The Sefari system allows the county administrative boards to update the information in the system via the Internet. NOTE! Since the Seveso database was not originally created to report data geographically, there are some shortcomings. The position an object has may in some cases point to the location of the head office and not to the facility carrying out the dangerous activity.
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