Died by age group, gender and death date

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Federal Statistical Office

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.03.24 00:00
Available languages
bevolkerungsbestand, altersstruktur, tod, demographie, einwohnerzahl, todesfalle, sterberate, alter, verstorben
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This record shows the deceased persons in Basel-Stadt by age group (0-64, 65+), gender and death date. The data is updated daily, taking into account only deaths that are at least 15 days back. Due to post-reported deaths, there may be changes in values already published at any time.For methodological reasons, the values published here may differ from those in cantonal public statistics: In the latter, post-reported deaths are collected for four months, after which the figures are considered definitive. Later incoming messages will be counted in the last unfinished month. In this record, they are counted in the month of the death date.
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