Hazard map

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Federal Statistical Office

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
danger, pericoli, carte-des-dangers, hazard-map, hazard, gefahrenkarte, gefahren, carta-dei-pericoli
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Several basic data developed by the Township are useful in assessing natural hazards: — The indicative hazard maps cover the whole canton. They designate (in pale pink) all territories subject to gravitary natural hazards (geological and water-related), without distinction of intensity; — Hazard maps are more detailed: they take into account the probability and intensity of the danger. But they are only established in inhabited areas and for important infrastructure. Five levels of danger are then given: O Red: high hazard; O Blue: average hazard; O Yellow: low hazard; O yellow hatched: residual hazard; O No color: no known danger or negligible danger. — The “protective weights” layers indicate the water levels to be expected for different flood return times (TR 30 years, 100 years, 300 years). The altitude of the flood is given in the form of curves of levels in m.s.m (meters on sea). Within the framework of the building permit procedures, they are used by the competent authorities to determine the “object protection” measures to be respected The “CD and CID Synthesis” layer includes all hazard maps and indicative hazard maps for all phenomena (rockfalls and blocks, bank erosion, permanent slip, spontaneous slip, flooding, collapse). The “CD and CID by hazard type” layer superimposes the hazard map and the indicative hazard map for each phenomenon taken individually (e.g. flooding). For collapses, only the indicative map is available.
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