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National Cancer Registration And Analysis Service (NCRAS). (2020). Cancer Registration: Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer (2000 - 2017). Public Health England.
• PSEUDO_TUMOURID (Project specific Pseudonymised Tumour ID)
• AGE_GROUP (age at diagnosis aggregated as <40, then in 5 year age bands to 90+)
• SEX (coded as 1=Male, 2=Female)
• DIAGNOSISYEAR (year of diagnosis)
• SITE_GROUP (ICD10 C18.0-C18.4 “proximal colon”, ICD10 C18.5-C18.7 “distal colon”, ICD10 C19-C20 “rectum”, ICD10 C18.8 and C18.9 “overlapping/ unspecified neoplasms of the colon”)
• STAGE_BEST_GROUP2012 (coded as 1, 2, 3, 4, 'U/UK' = U, 0, 6, ? and blanks. Tumours diagnosed pre 2012 classified "NA" i.e. Not Applicable due to poor completion of stage before 2012.
• MORPH_GROUP (adenocarcinomas (between '814%' and '838%'), mucinous (like '848%) and other). Coded in ICD-O-2.
• DTH_CAUSE_UNDERLYING2 ("CRC", "no CRC" in case of cause of death from colorectal cancer or from any other cause, respectively). Cause of death is based primarily on underlying cause of death and only 1a then 1b, 1c, 2 if the preceding field is null.
• VITALSTATUS (coded as A =Alive, D =Dead, X =Exit posting)
• DAYS_DX_VITALSTATUS (The number of days between diagnosis and vital status date). Provided when data quality sufficient and at least date/month of diagnosis & vital status dates known.
• GRADE (grade of tumour coded as GX = Grade of differentiation is not appropriate or cannot be assessed G1 = Well differentiated G2 = Moderately differentiated G3 = Poorly differentiated G4 = Undifferentiated / anaplastic)
• SCREENDETECTED (N = No, Y = Yes, 9 = Not known). From 2006 when national screening programme started.
• BASISOFDIAGNOSIS (Non-microscopic: 0 = Death certificate 1 = Clinical: Diagnosis made before death without (2-7) 2 = Clinical investigation: Includes all diagnostic techniques without a tissue diagnosis 4 = Specific tumour markers: Includes biochemical and/or immunological markers which are site specific Microscopic: 5 = Cytology: Examination of cells whether from a primary or secondary site, including fluids aspirated using endoscopes or needles. Also including microscopic examination of peripheral blood films and trephine bone marrow aspirates 6 = Histology of a metastases: Includes autopsy specimens 7 = Histology of a primary tumour: Includes all cutting and bone marrow biopsies. Also includes autopsy specimens of a primary tumour 9 = Unknown, e.g. PAS or HISS record only)
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