Dataset information
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Dataset description
National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS). (2019). Cancer Registration: Epidemiology of Melanoma (1995-2017) [Dataset]. Public Health England.
Each row represents a C43* tumour. For each tumour the following is provided where available:
• BRESLOW, (Breslow thickness of tumour, Measured in millimetres to the nearest 0.01mm. Can be a number or range, x, or blank (e.g. ≤1mm, 1-2mm)
• diag_quarter (diagnosis quarter is based on the calendar year)
• DIAGNOSISYEAR, (year of diagnosis, 1995-2017)
• ethnicity_band (aggregated in 3 categories: 'White'; 'Non-White' and 'Unknown')
• age_group (aggregated in 3 categories: '<45'; '45-69' and '70+')
• HISTOLOGY_CODED, (histology code - combines the morphology and behaviour codes)
• HISTOLOGY_CODED_DESC, (name for the histology type)
• SEX, (coded as 1=Male and 2=Female)
• SITE_ICD10_O2, (valid 4-digit code, coded in accordance with classification system of The International Classification of Diseases for Oncology) (C430-C439)
• SITE_CODED_DESC, (Site code of the cancer, in the coding system that the tumour was originally coded in and text description)
• T_IMG, (The UICC code which classifies the size and extent of the primary tumour before treatment)
• N_IMG, (The UICC code which classifies the absence or presence and extent of regional lymph node metastases before treatment. +, 0, 1, 1a, 1b, 1c, 1mi, 2, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3, 3a, 3b, 3c, X)
• M_IMG, The UICC code which classifies the absence or presence of distant metastases pre-treatment. 0 = no distant metastasis. 1, 1a, 1b, 1c, 1e = distant metastasis. X = unknown)
• CREG_CODE, (Cancer registry catchment area code (at diagnosis) Y0201 = Northern and Yorkshire Cancer Registry and Information Service; Y0301 = Trent Cancer Registry; Y0401 = Eastern Cancer Registration and Information Centre; Y0801 = Thames Cancer Registry; Y0901 = Oxford Cancer Intelligence Unit; Y1001 = South West Cancer Intelligence Service; Y1101 = Welsh Cancer Intelligence and Surveillance Unit; Y1201 = West Midlands Cancer Intelligence Unit; Y1701 = North West Cancer Intelligence Service; Z9999 = null.
• CREG_NAME, Cancer registry catchment area name (at diagnosis) See above for coding.
• BASISOFDIAGNOSIS, Basis of diagnosis of the tumour according to all the data received by the registry. Non-microscopic: 0 = Death certificate; 1 = Clinical: Diagnosis made before death without (2-7); 2 = Clinical investigation: Includes all diagnostic techniques without a tissue diagnosis; 4 = Specific tumour markers: Includes biochemical and/or immunological markers which are site specific.
Microscopic: 5 = Cytology: Examination of cells whether from a primary or secondary site, including fluids aspirated using endoscopes or needles. Also including microscopic examination of peripheral blood films and trephine bone marrow aspirates; 6 = Histology of a metastases: Includes autopsy specimens; 7 = Histology of a primary tumour: Includes all cutting and bone marrow biopsies. Also includes autopsy specimens of a primary tumour; 9 = Unknown, e.g. PAS or HISS record only.
• MORPH_ICD10_O2, (Morphology of the cancer, in the ICD-10-O2 system)
• BEHAVIOUR_ICD10_O2 Behaviour of the cancer, in the ICD-10-O2 system
• STAGE_BEST, (where stage 1 is coded as 1, 1A, 1A2, 1B, 1C, 1E, 1S; stage 2 is coded as 2, 2A, 2A1, 2B, 2E, 2S; stage 3 is coded as 3, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3E, 3S; stage 4 is coded as 4, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4S; unknown or cannot be stage is coded as 4, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4S; unknown or cannot be staged as 0, 6, ?, U, X, blank)
• STAGE_PATH, (where stage 1 is coded as 1, 1A, 1B, 1E; stage 2 is coded as 2, 2A, 2B, 2E; stage 3 is coded as 3, 3A, 3B; stage 4 is coded as 4, 4A, 4B; unknown or cannot be staged as 0, 6, ?, X, blank)
• GRADE, (Grade of tumour, coded as 3, 4, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, GX, Unknown or blank)
• CLARKS, (Clark's stage for skin cancer) 1 = melanoma in situ: melanoma cells are only in the epidermis; 2 = melanoma cells in the papillary dermis; 3 = melanoma cells throughout papillary dermis and touching reticula; 4 = melanoma has spread into the reticular or deep dermis; 5 = melanoma has grown into the subcutaneous fat.
• QUINTILE_2015, (Quintile score [1-5], describing income deprivation where 1= least deprived to 5= most deprived)
• DCO (Diagnosis of death certificate only coded as N=No, Y=Yes, blank)
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