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Dataset description
National Cancer Registration And Analysis Service (NCRAS). (2018). Cancer Registration: Epidemiology of Renal Cancer (1985-2016) [Data set]. Public Health England.
• PSEUDO_TUMOURID (Project specific Pseudonymised Tumour ID)
• AGE (aggregated in 3 categories: 0-44, 45-74, 75+)
• GENDER (coded as Male and Female)
• Ethnicity (coded as White, Non-white, Not-stated)
• DIAGYEAR_GROUPED (year of diagnosis aggregated in five year age bands)
• BASIS OF DIAGNOSIS (broken down by clinical, clinical investigation, Cytology, Death Certificate, Histology of a metastasis, Histology of a primary tumour, Specific Tumour markers)
• DCO (Diagnosis of death certificate only coded as N=No, Y=Yes, unknown)
• SITE_ICD9 (valid 4-digit code, coded as 1890, 1891, blank)
• SITE_ ICD10_o2 (cancer site coded as C64, C649, C65)
• GRADE (grade of tumour coded as 1, 2, 3, 4, G1, G2, G3, G4, GX)
• STAGE OF ONS (coded as 1 or blank)
• STAGE_BEST (where stage 1 is coded 1, 1A, 1B,1B1, 1E; stage 2 is coded as 2, 2A, 2B, 2S; stage 3 is coded as 3, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3S; stage 4 is coded as 4, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4S; unknown or cannot be staged is coded as 0, 6, ?, U, X, blanks)
• STAGE_PATH (where stage 1 is coded 1, 1A, 1B, 1S; stage 2 is coded as 2, 2A, 2B; stage 3 is coded as 3, 3A, 3B, 3C; stage 4 is coded as 4, 4B; unknown or cannot be staged is coded as 0, 6, ?, 0A, 0IS, U, X, blanks)
• TYPE 5 (Histology as recorded by ONS
• HISTOLOGY_CODED (histology as recorded by NCRAS)
• HISTOLOGY_CODED_DESC (description of histology code as recorded by NCRAS)
• QUINT 12 TO 16 (Quintile score [1-5], describing income deprivation where 1= least deprived to 5= most deprived)
• DEATHYEAR_GROUP (1985-1989, 1990-1994, [in 5 year age bands], 1995-1999, 2000-2004, 2005-2009, 2010-2014, 2015-2017)
Whenever it is possible and practicable to do so, data released by PHE will be anonymous and made available under an Open Government License. To render the data anonymous it must be stripped of direct identifiers and privacy by design methods applied in line with the rules layed out in the ISB Anonymisation Standard for Publishing Health and Social Care Data Specification (2013).
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