Forest Service Northern Ireland Woodland Basemap April 2013 (INSPIRE View Service)

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Dataset description

A basemap of woodland in Northern Ireland incorporating datasets from Forest Service, the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA), Land & Property Services, the Department of Agriculture & Rural Development’s Land Parcel Identification System Project, Woodland Trust, National Trust, and Scottish Woodlands. To be included in the dataset, woodland must be greater than 0.1ha with the potential to attain a canopy greater than 20% and a tree height of more than 5m and have a forestry land use. Woodland may incorporate areas of integral open ground up to 20% of the forest block. The woodland data has been categorised into the following woodland types, namely broadleaf, conifer, mixed conifer / broadleaf or short rotation coppice (SRC). In addition three further categories have been included, namely areas awaiting replant or natural regeneration, other open ground considered integral to the woodland and woodlands where the woodland type has not been recorded. Remote sensing techniques have been used to improve the dataset by eliminating significant areas of non-woodland. Attribute fields: MANAGEDBY – area managed by Forest Service or Not Forest Service WOODDTYPE – category of woodland type BLOCKREF – block identifier AREA_HA – area of woodland type in hectares Users outside of the Spatial NI Portal please use Resource Locator 2.
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