Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005

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Dataset description

The 2005 Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure (NIMDM 2005) contains seven domains of deprivation: • Income Deprivation • Employment Deprivation • Health Deprivation and Disability • Education, Skills and Training Deprivation • Proximity to Services Deprivation • Living Environment Deprivation • Crime and Disorder Indicators. Each domain contains a number of indicators, totalling 43 overall. Where possible, the indicators relate to 2003. The criteria for inclusion of these indicators were that they should be: • ‘domain specific’ and appropriate for the purpose (as direct as possible measures of that form of deprivation); • measuring major features of that deprivation (not conditions just experienced by a very small number of people or areas); • up-to-date; • capable of being updated on a regular basis; • statistically robust; and • available for the whole of Northern Ireland at a small area level in a consistent form. Results are provided for these domains and the overall multiple deprivation measure in the form of ranks. Areas are ordered from most deprived (rank 1) to least deprived. The Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005 report is available at Please note that the csv deprivation files were created by the Open Data Team as a sample csv for NISRA.
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