Dataset information
Available languages
England, Other Lookups, LSOA, OA, Lower Layer Super Output Area, OA_LSOA_MSOA_LEPNOP, Lookup, Local Authority District, Local Enterprise Partnerships non overlapping parts, ZIP File, Middle Layer Super Output Area, Output Areas, MSOA, LAD, Bestfit Statistical Lookups, LEPNOP
Dataset description
A best-fit lookup of output areas, local authority districts, lower layer super output areas, middle layer super output areas to local enterprise partnerships (non overlapping parts) in England as at December 2014. (File Size 11.4MB).<div><p>Field Names – OA11CD, LAD15CD, LAD15NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LEPNOP14CD, LEPNOP14NM</p>
<p>Field Types – Text, Text, Text,
Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text</p>
<p>Field Lengths – 9, 9, 36, 9, 33, 9, 32, 9, 49</p></div>
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