Dataset information
Available languages
Basic Land and Property Unit, Addresses, BLPU, residential building, Address, residential area, household, House Number, private household
Dataset description
Address information for England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man represented as point geometries. OS Residential Address Data is often used for geocoding, service delivery, address matching and verification, customer relationship management and statistical analysis. OS Residential Address Data includes addressing information for a wide variety of residential addresses, including, but not limited to:
- Residential Properties: caravans, detached, semi-detached and terraced housing, flats, maisonettes and apartments, house boats, holiday caravans and chalets, sheltered accomodation
- Supporting Infrastructure: garages, allocated car parking, ancillary buildings
- Multi-Occupancy Housing: care homes, nursing homes, communal residences (e.g. retirement homes, orphanages, religious communities)
- Residential Education: boarding schools, university halls of residence/student halls
The residential nature of properties is determined by the Local Authority addressing custodian as part of their statutory role as Local Land Property Gazetteer (LLPG) custodians.
Additional attribution, including Unique Property Peference Number (UPRN), Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) and OS MasterMap Topography Layer and Highways TOIDs, address classification and address status is available in various OS data products. OS Commercial Address Data is available in six Ordnance Survey (OS) data products: AddressBase, AddressBase Core, AddressBase Plus, AddressBase Premium, AddressBase Plus Islands and AddressBase Premium Islands.
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