Palynology, Rock-Eval and Thermal Maturity data for the Holywell Shale Formation from the Ellesmere Port 1 Borehole (NERC Grant NE/R017964/1)

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Provided by Czech Geological Survey

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Dataset description

Four data tables are included: 1. Rock-Eval 6 pyrolysis and stable isotope data: includes sample number; Depth in meters; S1, S2, S3, present day hydrogen index, present day oxygen index in milligram hydrocarbons per grams of rock; Tmax in degrees Celsius; total organic carbon (TOC), pyrolyzed carbon (PC), remaining carbon (RC) in %; proportion of TOC that is pyrolyzed in % ; δ13C in ‰. 2. Palynological counts: raw counts of the palynofacies analysis. Includes MPA (micropalaeontology sample number), SSK (subsample Keyworth) number provided by the National Geological Repository; Depth in meters; the raw counts grouped by Heterogeneous amorphous organic matter (AOM), Homogeneous AOM, Phytoclasts, Spores and Pollen, Fungal debris and Mineral Matter. 3. Thermal Maturity as random mean vitrinite reflectance data: includes SSK sample number, depth in meters; mean random vitrinite reflectance (%Rr), Standard Deviation (SD) and the number of measurements taken for each sample (n). 4. Spore counts: Includes MPA (micropalaeontology sample number), SSK (subsample Keyworth) number provided by the National Geological Repository; Depth in meters; raw counts of spores identified in selected samples. All the data are based on sample materials from the Holywell Shale Formation from the Ellesmere Port 1 Borehole. These data are in support of: Hennissen et al.’s The Holywell Shale Formation in the Blacon Basin: resource potential in the Geological Society of London Special Publications.
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