Sedimentological and organic carbon data from the Kyle of Tongue saltmarsh, Scotland, 2018

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Intertidal, Sediment, wetland, coastal, blue carbon, C-SIDE, Habitats and Biotopes, soil texture, LOI, organic carbon, Scotland, saltmarsh, Salt marsh, Soil, Carbon Storage in Intertidal Environments
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Dataset description

The dataset comprises of physical property and biogeochemical measurements of saltmarsh soil collected using the hammer coring technique from the Kyle of Tongue saltmarsh in the North of Scotland. The site was chosen to represent northern, loch head marshes and to test different coring techniques in organic rich soils. The data provides a quantitative measure of the dry bulk density, water content, porosity and organic carbon content present within the soils of the Kyle of Tongue saltmarsh. A total of 4 cores were collected, 39 samples were collected at 10cm intervals down the length of each core. The samples were processed for bulk density, water content, porosity and organic carbon content which was quantified through elemental analysis. The data were collected to help create a detailed picture of saltmarsh carbon storage in the soils of UK saltmarsh and test different coring approaches. The cores were collected by the data authors in November 2018. The work was carried out under the NERC programme - Carbon Storage in Intertidal Environment (C-SIDE), NERC grant reference NE/R010846/1 Full details about this dataset can be found at
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