Dataset information
Available languages
Administrative Lookups, Regions GOR, Electoral Divisions, Local Authority, Counties, GOR, Countries, Wards, CTY, United Kingdom, LAD, UK, Regions, Electoral Ward, 2018, County, Local Authority Districts, Ward to Local Authority District to County to Region to Country Lookup, Local Authority District, WD, CTRY, RGN, Lookup
Dataset description
A lookup between wards, local authority districts (LAD), counties, regions and countries as at 31st December 2018 in the United Kingdom (File Size - 3 MB)<div>Field Names - WD18CD, WD18NM, WD18NMW, LAD18CD, LAD18NM, CTY18CD, CTY18NM, GOR10CD, GOR10NM, CTRY18CD, CTRY18NM</div><div>Field Types - Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text</div><div>Field Lengths - 9, 56, 45, 9, 36, 9, 28, 9, 24, 9, 16</div>
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