Water Framework Directive (WFD) Lake Waterbodies Cycle 2

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Dataset description

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Lake Waterbodies Cycle 2 is a polygon Shapefile dataset containing Water Framework Directive (WFD) attributes that have been collated as defined for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. Article 2, clause 5 of the WFD defines them as '...a body of standing inland surface water'. There is data on the physical characteristics, risk, classification and proposed objectives that can be linked to waterbodies by their unique identifiers. Artificial and modified lake waterbodies are included within this dataset, however, generally only lakes above > 50 hectares were assessed under the WFD except for lakes in protected areas, where a minimum of 5.0 ha was used. Lakes below this threshold are not included within this dataset unless al located as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Each waterbody has been assigned 'EA_WB_ID', which is a unique identifier that enables a link to WFD attributes. These data apply to Cycle 2 of the Water Framework Directive. Updated to 2018 version
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