Woodland Grant Scheme 2 England

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Provided by Government Digital Service

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
living environment, species, Forestry, England, Habitats and biotopes, grant schemes, woodland, opendata
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Description: The Woodland Grant Scheme (WGS) provides incentives for people to create and manage woodlands on sites all over Great Britain. The Forestry Commission pays grants for establishing and looking after woodlands and forests. To qualify for grant the applicant must meet the standards of environmental protection and practice set out in the Forestry Commission’s guidelines. WGS2 operated between June 1991 and September 1994. It was replaced by WGS3 Contents of the dataset: The dataset identifies areas approved by grant type. As the boundaries of the scheme were never digitised, an approximation polygon was created for each scheme. The approximation is based on the Ordnance Survey grid reference held for each scheme; this point location being buffered by a distance proportional to the total area of the scheme. Attributes: PropNumber = Property number PlanNumber = Plan number PropName = Property name Plan_Type = Type of plan (Management, Establishment, both) Prop_Type = Property type (Farm, Recreation, etc) Owner_Type = Owner type (Business, Personal Occupier, etc) Grid_Ref = National grid reference (NS987435) Local_Auth = Council (e.g. Lancaster City Council) Cont_Start = Date the contract started Cont_End = Date the contract ends Case_Offcr = Woodland Officers name Cons_Name = Conservancy name Total_Area = Total area of work type within scheme Attribution Statement: Contains OS data © Crown copyright [and database right] [year].
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