Dataset information
Available languages
Oceanographic geographical features, broad-scale, habitat, seabed, EUNIS, Hydrography, Bio-geographical regions, Marine habitat mapping
Dataset description
This layer is a predictive EUNIS seabed habitat map for the Atlantic area. The layer has been created using three pre-processed input datasets: substrate, biological zone and energy.
The seabed substrate type layer is a compendium of historical maps. The biological zones layer was modeled thanks to layers of bathymetry, light attenuation, and wave wavelength. The layer of energy was prepared thanks to archived results of numerical models of waves and currents.
The map follows the EUNIS 2007-11 classification system supplemented by additional categories in deep sea areas (Howell et al., 2010). The map does not include the intertidal zone.
The study followed the methodology developped within the EUSeaMap project. For more details about the methodology see EUSeaMap final report (Cameron and Askew, 2011) or Coltman et al., 2008
For more details about the substrate and bathymetry that were used as a basis see Mata Chacón et al.
Cameron, A., Askew, N. (eds.), 2011. EUSeaMap - Preparatory Action for development and assessment of a European broad-scale seabed habitat map final report. URL:
Coltman, N., Golding, N., Verling, E., 2008. Developing a broadscale predictive EUNIS habitat map for the MESH study area. 16 pp. URL:
Howell, K.L., 2010. A benthic classification system to aid in the implementation of marine protected area networks in the deep/high seas of the NE Atlantic. Biological Conservation 143, 1041–1056.
Mata Chacón, D., Sanz Alonso, J.L., Gonçalves, J.M.S., Monteiro, P., Bentes, L., McGrath, F., Henriques, V., Freitas, R., Amorim, P., Tempera, F., Fossecave, P., Alonso, C., Galparsoro, I., Vasquez, M., Populus, J. (2013). Report on collation of historic maps. Bathymetry, substrate and habitats – MeshAtlantic Report. Spanish Institute of Oceanography. 98 pp.
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