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Special Eurobarometer 412: Sport and physical activity Open Data

According to the results of the latest Eurobarometer survey on sport and physical activity, 59% of E

Issued on 2015-01-27

Special Eurobarometer 412: Sport and physical activity details >

Flash Eurobarometer 373: Europeans' engagement in participatory democracy Open Data

How can European citizens make their voices heard? This Eurobarometer survey examines the extent of

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 373: Europeans' engagement in participatory democracy details >

Flash Eurobarometer 375: European Youth: Participation in Democratic Life Open Data

This survey analyses young EU citizens' involvement with organisations such as sports clubs, NGOs an

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 375: European Youth: Participation in Democratic Life details >

Standard Eurobarometer 79 Open Data

Eurobarometer public opinion surveys (“standard Eurobarometer surveys‘) have been conducted on behal

Issued on 2014-12-11

Standard Eurobarometer 79 details >

Standard Eurobarometer 80 Open Data

Eurobarometer public opinion surveys (“standard Eurobarometer surveys‘) have been conducted on behal

Issued on 2014-12-08

Standard Eurobarometer 80 details >

Flash Eurobarometer 383: Firearms in the European Union Open Data

This survey begins by examining the level of firearm ownership among European citizens. It then look

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 383: Firearms in the European Union details >

Flash Eurobarometer 97: Internet and the Public at Large Open Data

The survey is associated with a number of facets of this complex issue and is essentially concerned

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 97: Internet and the Public at Large details >

Le marché Unique européen Open Data

Après ouverture des frontières européennes se sont produits des changements dans la législation et l

Issued on 2015-01-19

Le marché Unique européen details >

Flash Eurobarometer 59: Citoyens d'Europe Open Data

Les questions portent principalement sur la connaissance de certains droits et de garanties spécifiq

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 59: Citoyens d'Europe details >

Flash Eurobarometer 60: Le Sommet pour l'Emploi (Luxembourg) Open Data

Des questions sur les échos du Conseil européen consacré à l'emploi, et sur les attitudes du public

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 60: Le Sommet pour l'Emploi (Luxembourg) details >

Flash Eurobarometer 61: Votre Entreprise dans 20 ans Open Data

Etude à la demande de la DG XXIII de la Commission européenne. #####The results by volumes are distr

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 61: Votre Entreprise dans 20 ans details >

Flash Eurobarometer 72: Le Marché Unique européen Open Data

Sondage pour connaître la perception des entreprises européennes sur plusieurs thèmes concernant le

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 72: Le Marché Unique européen details >

Flash Eurobarometer 73: Dialogue avec les citoyens Open Data

Sondage pour mesurer les effets des efforts d'informations et de sensibilisation du public, en matiè

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 73: Dialogue avec les citoyens details >

Flash Eurobarometer 74: Dialogue avec les entreprises Open Data

Sondage pour mesurer l'impact de l'effort de sensibilisation orientée vers les entreprises. #####The

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 74: Dialogue avec les entreprises details >

Flash Eurobarometer 75: Signpost service Open Data

Sondage géré et organisé par la DG "Education et Culture" #####The results by volumes are distribute

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 75: Signpost service details >

Flash Eurobarometer 76: Euro introduction attitudes (step 1) Open Data

Survey organised and managed by the Directorage General "Educations and Culture" #####The results by

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 76: Euro introduction attitudes (step 1) details >

Flash Eurobarometer 77: Le SIDA Open Data

Opinion des Européens à l'égard du SIDA: réactions globales, opinions envers les malades, connaissac

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 77: Le SIDA details >

Flash Eurobarometer 78: MIS special enterprises Open Data

Survey organised and managed by the Directorage General "Educations and Culture" #####The results by

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 78: MIS special enterprises details >

Flash Eurobarometer 79: «MIS» special autorites locales Open Data

Survey organised and managed by the Directorage General "Educations and Culture" #####The results by

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 79: «MIS» special autorites locales details >

Flash Eurobarometer 81: Les PME face à l'euro Open Data

Pour connaître l'état d'esprit des dirigéants de PME, et le niveau de préparation de leurs entrepris

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 81: Les PME face à l'euro details >

Flash Eurobarometer 89: Dialogue avec les citoyens Open Data

Pour mesurer les effets des efforts d'information et de sensibilisation du public, en matière de dro

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 89: Dialogue avec les citoyens details >

Flash Eurobarometer 90: Dialogue avec les entreprises Open Data

Pour mesurer l'impact de l'Action de sensibilisation orientée vers les entreprises. #####The results

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 90: Dialogue avec les entreprises details >

Flash Eurobarometer 109: Dialogue avec les citoyens Open Data

Pour mesurer les effets des efforts d'information et de sensibilisation du public, en matière de dro

Issued on 2015-01-12

Flash Eurobarometer 109: Dialogue avec les citoyens details >

Flash Eurobarometer 110: Dialogue avec les entreprises Open Data

Pour mesurer l'impact de l'Action de sensibilisation orientée vers les entreprises. #####The results

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 110: Dialogue avec les entreprises details >

Flash Eurobarometer 136: Le commerce électronique (2) Open Data

Pour mesurer et analyser la pratique actuelle et les tendances en matière de commerce électronique a

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 136: Le commerce électronique (2) details >

Flash Eurobarometer 156: The quality of life in 31 European cities Open Data

This survey was conducted in January 2004 to measure the local perceptions of quality of life in 31

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 156: The quality of life in 31 European cities details >

Flash Eurobarometer 163: Hiring and employment procedures for one-person-enterprises Open Data

In view of on-going efforts, DG Enterprise wanted to assess how one-person-enterprises in particular

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 163: Hiring and employment procedures for one-person-enterprises details >

Flash Eurobarometer 171: The European Constitution : post-referendum in France Open Data

Enquête post-électorale notamment pour mieux comprendre les raisons de l’abstention, les motivations

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 171: The European Constitution : post-referendum in France details >

Flash Eurobarometer 172: The European Constitution : post-referendum in The Netherlands Open Data

Post-electoral survey in order to better understand the factors which determined the result of the r

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 172: The European Constitution : post-referendum in The Netherlands details >

Flash Eurobarometer 173: The European Constitution : post-referendum in Luxembourg Open Data

A study in Luxembourg. The main aim was to understand better why voters voted as they did, the perce

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 173: The European Constitution : post-referendum in Luxembourg details >

Flash Eurobarometer 174: SME Access to Finance: Open Data

The following aspects are covered in the survey: -The state of SMEs: their financial situation, thei

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 174: SME Access to Finance: details >

Flash Eurobarometer 178: Quelle Europe ? La construction européenne vue par les Français Open Data

La perception générale de l’Europe. La construction européenne : bilan et attentes », où est présent

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 178: Quelle Europe ? La construction européenne vue par les Français details >

Flash Eurobarometer 191: Introduction of the Euro in the New Member States Open Data

The European Commission keeps track of general public opinion concerning the introduction of the eur

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 191: Introduction of the Euro in the New Member States details >

Flash Eurobarometer 245: Post-referendum survey in Ireland Open Data

The main objectives of the survey were to understand the reasons for non-participation in the refere

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 245: Post-referendum survey in Ireland details >

Flash Eurobarometer 98.5: Euro attitudes Open Data

présenter les principaux résultats obtenus dans les pays de la zone euro #####The results by volumes

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 98.5: Euro attitudes details >

Flash Eurobarometer 98.4: Euro attitudes Open Data

présenter les principaux résultats obtenus dans les pays de la zone euro #####The results by volumes

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 98.4: Euro attitudes details >

Special Eurobarometer 257: Avian Influenza Open Data

The Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection (DG SANCO) Commissioned the present Eurob

Issued on 2014-12-10

Special Eurobarometer 257: Avian Influenza details >

Standard Eurobarometer 57 Open Data

Eurobarometer public opinion surveys (“standard Eurobarometer surveys‘) have been conducted on behal

Issued on 2014-12-10

Standard Eurobarometer 57 details >

Special Eurobarometer 269. Roaming Open Data

In order to evaluate how Europeans perceive international roaming charges and also the extent to whi

Issued on 2014-12-10

Special Eurobarometer 269. Roaming details >

Special Eurobarometer 213: The citizens of the european union and sport Open Data

The questionnaire used for this second wave has been slightly modified. It is nevertheless possible

Issued on 2014-12-10

Special Eurobarometer 213: The citizens of the european union and sport details >

Standard Eurobarometer 56 Open Data

Eurobarometer public opinion surveys (“standard Eurobarometer surveys‘) have been conducted on behal

Issued on 2014-12-10

Standard Eurobarometer 56 details >

Standard Eurobarometer 55 Open Data

Eurobarometer public opinion surveys (“standard Eurobarometer surveys‘3 have been conducted on behal

Issued on 2014-12-10

Standard Eurobarometer 55 details >

Standard Eurobarometer 54 Open Data

Eurobarometer public opinion surveys (“standard Eurobarometer surveys‘3 have been conducted on behal

Issued on 2014-12-10

Standard Eurobarometer 54 details >

Standard Eurobarometer 53 Open Data

Eurobarometer public opinion surveys (“standard Eurobarometer surveys‘) have been conducted on behal

Issued on 2014-12-11

Standard Eurobarometer 53 details >

Standard Eurobarometer 52 Open Data

Eurobarometer public opinion surveys (“standard Eurobarometer surveys‘) have been conducted on behal

Issued on 2014-12-10

Standard Eurobarometer 52 details >

Standard Eurobarometer 51 Open Data

Eurobarometer public opinion surveys (“standard Eurobarometer surveys‘3 have been conducted on behal

Issued on 2014-12-10

Standard Eurobarometer 51 details >

Standard Eurobarometer 50 Open Data

Eurobarometer public opinion surveys (“standard Eurobarometer surveys‘) have been conducted on behal

Issued on 2014-12-10

Standard Eurobarometer 50 details >

Standard Eurobarometer 49 Open Data

Eurobarometer public opinion surveys (“standard Eurobarometer surveys‘) have been conducted on behal

Issued on 2014-12-10

Standard Eurobarometer 49 details >

Standard Eurobarometer 48 Open Data

Eurobarometer public opinion surveys (“standard Eurobarometer surveys‘) have been conducted on behal

Issued on 2014-12-10

Standard Eurobarometer 48 details >

Standard Eurobarometer 47 Open Data

Eurobarometer public opinion surveys (“standard Eurobarometer surveys‘) have been conducted on behal

Issued on 2014-12-10

Standard Eurobarometer 47 details >

Special Eurobarometer 354: Food-related risks Open Data

The Eurobarometer survey on perceptions of risk associated with food by consumers was commissioned b

Issued on 2014-12-10

Special Eurobarometer 354: Food-related risks details >

Flash Eurobarometer 82: Euro Introdution attitudes - Flash 82.2:step 3 / Flash 82.3: step 4 / Flash... Open Data

The Flash Eurobarometer 82.2 (step 3) have been conducted between the 03/07/2000 and the 08/08/2000.

Issued on 2015-01-20

Flash Eurobarometer 82: Euro Introdution attitudes - Flash 82.2:step 3 / Flash 82.3: step 4 / Flash... details >

Flash Eurobarometer 166: Evaluation des supports d’information sur l’élargissement de l’Union... Open Data

Recueillir le sentiment de professeurs d’histoire-géographie et des professeurs des écoles sur ces o

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 166: Evaluation des supports d’information sur l’élargissement de l’Union... details >

Flash Eurobarometer 169: The European Constitution: pre-referendum survey in France Open Data

Depuis la création de la cinquième République, les Français ont été invité à se prononcer par voie d

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 169: The European Constitution: pre-referendum survey in France details >

Flash Eurobarometer 170: De Europese Grondwet: Prereferendum opiniepeiling in Nederland Open Data

Op 29 oktober 2004 ondertekenden staatshoofden en regeringen van de 25 lidstaten van de Europese Uni

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 170: De Europese Grondwet: Prereferendum opiniepeiling in Nederland details >

Flash Eurobarometer 176: Satisfaction survey on the Representations of the European Commission in... Open Data

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communication, wanted to hear the opinions of opin

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 176: Satisfaction survey on the Representations of the European Commission in... details >

Special Eurobarometer 220: Barometric questions Open Data

In December 2004, the Directorate General Press and Communications wanted to further analyse certain

Issued on 2014-12-10

Special Eurobarometer 220: Barometric questions details >

Special Eurobarometer 245: Organised crime and corruption Open Data

This survey was carried out by TNS Opinion & Social among 24 683 citizens in the 25 European Union M

Issued on 2014-12-11

Special Eurobarometer 245: Organised crime and corruption details >

Special Eurobarometer 259: The European Union and its neighbours Open Data

The External Relations Directorate-General of the European Commission commissioned a poll on EU citi

Issued on 2014-12-11

Special Eurobarometer 259: The European Union and its neighbours details >

Special Eurobarometer 267: Use of Intelligent systems in vehicles Open Data

DG Information Society and Media launched this Eurobarometer study that covered all 25 Member States

Issued on 2014-12-10

Special Eurobarometer 267: Use of Intelligent systems in vehicles details >

Special Eurobarometer 266: The role of the European Union in Justice, Freedom and Security policy... Open Data

In the light of the priorities set in the Hague Programme, the European Commission’s Directorate-Gen

Issued on 2014-12-10

Special Eurobarometer 266: The role of the European Union in Justice, Freedom and Security policy... details >

Special Eurobarometer 272e: Health in the European Union Open Data

This survey was carried by TNS Opinion & Social, interviewing citizens in the 25 member States, the

Issued on 2014-12-11

Special Eurobarometer 272e: Health in the European Union details >

Special Eurobarometer 272d: Europeans and organ donation Open Data

In June 2006, the Directorate General Health and Consumer Protection (SANCO) of the European Commiss

Issued on 2014-12-11

Special Eurobarometer 272d: Europeans and organ donation details >

Special Eurobarometer 272c: Attitudes of Europeans towards tobacco Open Data

This survey, commissioned by the Directorate-General Health and Consumer Protection of the European

Issued on 2014-12-10

Special Eurobarometer 272c: Attitudes of Europeans towards tobacco details >

Special Eurobarometer 272b: Attitudes towards alcohol Open Data

In order to obtain a picture of EU citizens’ alcohol drinking habits and their attitudes towards mea

Issued on 2014-12-10

Special Eurobarometer 272b: Attitudes towards alcohol details >

Special Eurobarometer 272a: Electromagnetic fields Open Data

This Special Eurobarometer on EMF was conducted in October and November 2006, simultaneously with th

Issued on 2014-12-10

Special Eurobarometer 272a: Electromagnetic fields details >

Flash Eurobarometer 98.3: Euro attitudes Open Data

présenter les principaux résultats obtenus dans les pays de la zone euro #####The results by volumes

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 98.3: Euro attitudes details >

Flash Eurobarometer 422: Cross-border cooperation in the EU Open Data

EU cohesion policy, and in particular the Interreg strand, plays an important role in removing borde

Issued on 2015-09-23

Flash Eurobarometer 422: Cross-border cooperation in the EU details >

Special Eurobarometer 464b: Europeans’ attitudes towards security Open Data

The Special Eurobarometer survey on EU citizens' attitudes towards security brings together the resu

Issued on 2017-12-12

Special Eurobarometer 464b: Europeans’ attitudes towards security details >

Special Eurobarometer 102: Les Européens et le soleil Open Data

Ce sondage d’opinion a été réalisé à la demande de la Commission européenne (Direction Générale "Emp

Issued on 2014-12-01

Special Eurobarometer 102: Les Européens et le soleil details >

Special Eurobarometer 103: Europeans and health and safety in the work place Open Data

Ce sondage a été effectué dans l'ensemble des pays de l'Union entre le 12 avril et le 18 mai 1996..

Issued on 2014-12-11

Special Eurobarometer 103: Europeans and health and safety in the work place details >

Special Eurobarometer 110:L'Europe des consommateurs Open Data

Plusieurs thèmes dans ce rapport (produits alimentaires; environnement; concurrence, sécurité des pr

Issued on 2014-12-10

Special Eurobarometer 110:L'Europe des consommateurs details >

Special Eurobarometer 112: Lifelong learning Open Data

Within the context of this European Year, the first ever Eurobarometer survey on Europeans" attitude

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 112: Lifelong learning details >

Special Eurobarometer 113: Racism and Xenophobia : Human rights and immigration in the European... Open Data

This Opinion Poll was carried out between 26 March and 29 April 1997 in the fifteen Member States at

Issued on 2014-12-11

Special Eurobarometer 113: Racism and Xenophobia : Human rights and immigration in the European... details >

Special Eurobarometer 114: The Young Europeans in 1997 Open Data

This opinion survey was conducted at the request of the European Commission (DGXXII, Directorate-Gen

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 114: The Young Europeans in 1997 details >

Flash Eurobarometer 98.2: Euro attitudes Open Data

présenter les principaux résultats obtenus dans les pays de la zone euro #####The results by volumes

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 98.2: Euro attitudes details >

Special Eurobarometer 115: Les Européennes et le cancer Open Data

Ce sondage d'opinion a été réalisé à la demande de la Commission européenne (Direction Générale V).

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 115: Les Européennes et le cancer details >

Special Eurobarometer 116: Attitudes of EU consumers to Fair Trade Bananas Open Data

This document presents the main findings of an opinion poll conducted in early 1997 in all 15 Europe

Issued on 2014-12-01

Special Eurobarometer 116: Attitudes of EU consumers to Fair Trade Bananas details >

Special Eurobarometer 117: The Europeans on Holidays Open Data

This paper presents some key preliminary results of the public opinion survey undertaken on behalf o

Issued on 2014-12-10

Special Eurobarometer 117: The Europeans on Holidays details >

Special Eurobarometer 118: Europeans and their views on child sex tourism Open Data

This paper presents some key results from the public opinion survey conducted on behalf of the Europ

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 118: Europeans and their views on child sex tourism details >

Special Eurobarometer 119: Europeans and their views on cancer Open Data

Survey carried out at the request of the EC (DG V) between 7th April and 27th may 1998. #####The re

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 119: Europeans and their views on cancer details >

Special Eurobarometer 120: Les Européens et la sécurité des produits alimentaires Open Data

Le sondage d’opinion analysé dans le présent rapport a été effectué dans le cadre de l’EUROBAROMETRE

Issued on 2014-12-10

Special Eurobarometer 120: Les Européens et la sécurité des produits alimentaires details >

Special Eurobarometer 121: Europeans, health, and the healthcare system Open Data

Le sondage d’opinion analysé dans le présent rapport a été effectué dans le cadre de l’EUROBAROMETRE

Issued on 2014-12-10

Special Eurobarometer 121: Europeans, health, and the healthcare system details >

Special Eurobarometer 122: European public opinion on Radioactive Waste Open Data

This opinion poll, managed and organised by DGX, "Information, Communication, Culture, Audiovisual"

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 122: European public opinion on Radioactive Waste details >

Special Eurobarometer 123: The Information Society Open Data

This opinion poll, managed and organised by DGX, Information, Communication, Culture, Audio-visual s

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 123: The Information Society details >

Special Eurobarometer 124: Les Européens et les labels de qualité Open Data

Sondage effectué en tre le 29 octobre et le 10 décembre 1998 à la demande de la DG VI.(Eurobarometre

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 124: Les Européens et les labels de qualité details >

Flash Eurobarometer 98.1: Euro attitudes Open Data

présenter les principaux résultats obtenus dans les pays de la zone euro #####The results by volumes

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 98.1: Euro attitudes details >

Special Eurobarometer 126: Europeans and Development Aid Open Data

This opinion poll, managed and organised by the DGX « Information Communication Culture and Audiovis

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 126: Europeans and Development Aid details >

Special Eurobarometer 127: Europeans and violence against women Open Data

This opinion poll was conducted at the request of DG X "Information, Communication, Culture and Audi

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 127: Europeans and violence against women details >

Special Eurobarometer 128: Europeans and violence against children Open Data

This opinion poll was conducted at the request of the Secretariat-General of the European Commission

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 128: Europeans and violence against children details >

Special Eurobarometer 129: Europeans and the elderly Open Data

A Comparison of the 1992 and 1999 Eurobarometer Surveys by: ALAN WALKER Professor of Social Policy U

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 129: Europeans and the elderly details >

Special Eurobarometer 130: Europeans and consumer associations Open Data

This opinion poll, managed and organised by the Public Opinion Analysis Unit of DG X "Information, C

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 130: Europeans and consumer associations details >

Special Eurobarometer 131: What do Europeans think about the environment? Open Data

The intention of the survey is to provide a clearer picture of how the people of Europa perceive the

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 131: What do Europeans think about the environment? details >

Special Eurobarometer 132: Europeans and the single currency Open Data

This opinion poll, managed and organised by the Public Outreach department ("Analysis of public opin

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 132: Europeans and the single currency details >

Special Eurobarometer 133: Les Européens et les services financiers Open Data

Sondage effectué entre le 15 octobre et le 14 novembre 1999 à la demande de la DG santé et protectio

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 133: Les Européens et les services financiers details >

Special Eurobarometer 134: Europeans and modern biotechnology Open Data

This opinion poll, managed and organised by the Directorate-General for Education and Culture’s "Cit

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 134: Europeans and modern biotechnology details >

Flash Eurobarometer 99: SMEs and the euro Open Data

To find out to what extent the attitudes of SME managers have changed, and the state of preparedness

Issued on 2015-01-19

Flash Eurobarometer 99: SMEs and the euro details >

Special Eurobarometer 135: Les Européens et la qualité de vie Open Data

Ce sondage d’opinion, géré et organisé par la Direction Générale de l’Education et de la Culture, «

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 135: Les Européens et la qualité de vie details >

Special Eurobarometer 136: Les consommateurs et l'accès à la justice Open Data

Sondage effectué entre le 1er novembre et le 15 décembre 1999 à la demande de la DG santé et protect

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 136: Les consommateurs et l'accès à la justice details >

Special Eurobarometer 137: Europeans and the EC logo Open Data

This opinion poll, managed and organised by the Directorate-General for Education and Culture, «Cent

Issued on 2014-12-02

Special Eurobarometer 137: Europeans and the EC logo details >
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