Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology Open data in a single API request

Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology datasets available on official portal for European data

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Basic info

Name: Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT)

What they do: DG CONNECT is a Directorate-General of the European Commission that is responsible for developing and implementing the European Union's (EU) digital single market (DSM) policy. The DSM is a single market for digital goods and services, where consumers and businesses can access and use digital products and services seamlessly across the EU.

Responsibilities: DG CONNECT's responsibilities include:

  • Developing and implementing the EU's digital single market strategy
  • Promoting investment in digital infrastructure
  • Ensuring the security and resilience of the EU's digital networks
  • Protecting consumers in the digital environment
  • Fostering innovation in the digital economy
  • Promoting the use of open data

Headquarters address: DG CONNECT's headquarters are located in Brussels, Belgium.

Date of foundation: DG CONNECT was founded in 2014.

Who is leading the organization: DG CONNECT is led by the Director-General, who is currently Roberto Viola.

Number of employees: DG CONNECT has a staff of about 828 people.

What type of data they provide as open data: DG CONNECT provides a variety of data as open data, including:

  • Data on the EU's digital single market
  • Data on digital infrastructure
  • Data on cybersecurity
  • Data on consumer protection in the digital environment
  • Data on innovation in the digital economy
  • Data on open data

Details about the data sets they provide as open data: DG CONNECT publishes its data sets in a variety of formats, including:

  • CSV
  • JSON
  • XML
  • RDF

Goal regarding open data: DG CONNECT is committed to making its data as open and accessible as possible. It believes that open data can be used to improve the transparency and accountability of the EU's digital single market policy, and to benefit a wide range of users, such as researchers, policymakers, and the general public.

Table of key information:


Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT)

What they do

Responsible for developing and implementing the EU's digital single market (DSM) policy


Developing and implementing the EU's digital single market strategy, promoting investment in digital infrastructure, ensuring the security and resilience of the EU's digital networks, protecting consumers in the digital environment, fostering innovation in the digital economy, promoting the use of open data

Headquarters address

Brussels, Belgium

Date of foundation


Who is leading the organization

Director-General Roberto Viola

Number of employees

About 828

Type of data they provide as open data

Data on the EU's digital single market, data on digital infrastructure, data on cybersecurity, data on consumer protection in the digital environment, data on innovation in the digital economy, data on open data

Details about the data sets they provide as open data

Published in a variety of formats, including CSV, JSON, XML, and RDF

Goal regarding open data

To make its data as open and accessible as possible, believing that open data can be used to improve the transparency and accountability of the EU's digital single market policy, and to benefit a wide range of users

Available datasets

Open data Portal Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology Open Data API in development

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Spectrum assigned for wireless broadband in EU harmonised bands Open Data

Amount of spectrum assigned by Member States for wireless mobile broadband comunications (WBB) withi

Issued on 2016-10-27

Spectrum assigned for wireless broadband in EU harmonised bands details >

H2020 effective cofinancing rate Open Data

The cofinancing rate is the % of projects total costs which are covered by EC funding grants. ##

Issued on 2016-10-27

H2020 effective cofinancing rate details >

2nd Survey of Schools: ICT in Education Open Data

The Survey of Schools: ICT in Education, published in March 2019, builds upon the European Commissio

Issued on 2019-03-14

2nd Survey of Schools: ICT in Education details >

Rural standard fixed broadband coverage (as a % of households) Open Data

Coverage is a supply indicator defined as the percentage of Households living in areas served by xDS

Issued on 2016-10-27

Rural standard fixed broadband coverage (as a % of households) details >

Number of distinct organisations participating in FP7-ICT projects Open Data

Organisations participating in FP7 ICT calls for research projects (Cooperation and Capacities and e

Issued on 2016-10-27

Number of distinct organisations participating in FP7-ICT projects details >

Study to support an Impact Assessment on enhancing the use of data in Europe – Data Act Open Data

This study provided input to the impact assessment accompanying the proposal for a Regulation on har

Issued on 2022-02-23

Study to support an Impact Assessment on enhancing the use of data in Europe – Data Act details >

Fixed voice termination rate Open Data

Wholesale call termination charges of the incumbent operator in fixed voice tecephony for local call

Issued on 2016-10-27

Fixed voice termination rate details >

IPv6 readiness - websites having a AAAA coverage in DNS records (as % of most visited websites) Open Data

IPv6 ready websites are those having at least one AAAA in their DNS records (means the website is vi

Issued on 2014-05-22

IPv6 readiness - websites having a AAAA coverage in DNS records (as % of most visited websites) details >

Take-up of mobile - active SIM cards for voice or data Open Data

Number of active SIM cards divided by population. It includes both voice and data services, installe

Issued on 2014-05-22

Take-up of mobile - active SIM cards for voice or data details >

Database of methodologies and metrics for the measurement of GHG emissions from Cities or from... Open Data

The methodologies for the measurement of GHG emissions from Cities (45 records) or from Companies (4

Issued on 2014-05-26

Database of methodologies and metrics for the measurement of GHG emissions from Cities or from... details >

Digital Agenda Scoreboard key indicators Open Data

European Commission services selected about a hundred indicators, divided into thematic groups, whic

Issued on 2015-07-27

Digital Agenda Scoreboard key indicators details >

NGA broadband coverage/availability (as a % of households) Open Data

Coverage is a supply indicator defined as the percentage of Households living in areas served by NGA

Issued on 2014-05-22

NGA broadband coverage/availability (as a % of households) details >

Advanced 3G mobile broadband (HSPA) coverage (as a % of households) Open Data

Coverage is a supply indicator defined as the percentage of Households living in areas covered by ad

Issued on 2014-05-22

Advanced 3G mobile broadband (HSPA) coverage (as a % of households) details >

Bulgarian-English corpus of legislation from the Republic of Bulgaria Ministry of Energy website... Open Data

Bulgarian-English corpus of legislation from the Republic of Bulgaria Ministry of Energy website (i

Issued on

Bulgarian-English corpus of legislation from the Republic of Bulgaria Ministry of Energy website... details >

English-Swedish parallel corpus from the translation of 'Sweden a Pocket Guide' book (Processed) Open Data

A guide for foreigners who move to Sweden. Source language is Swedish. This dataset has been create

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English-Swedish parallel corpus from the translation of 'Sweden a Pocket Guide' book (Processed) details >

Bilingual hr-en parallel corpus from Croatian Mine Action website (Processed) Open Data

Contents of website downloaded, aligned on document and segment level and converte

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Bilingual hr-en parallel corpus from Croatian Mine Action website (Processed) details >

Bilingual collection of documents about the Cyprus Problem (Processed) Open Data

A parallel corpus(Greek-English) regarding the Cyprus Problem. This dataset has been created wit

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Bilingual collection of documents about the Cyprus Problem (Processed) details >

Multilingual documents in the field of health care and social policy (Processed) Open Data

English-Bulgarian collection of agreements, memorandums, letters, concepts and declarations in the h

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Multilingual documents in the field of health care and social policy (Processed) details >

Bilingual documents Bulgarian-English in the field of ICT and Transport (Processed) Open Data

Bilingual collection of documents in the field of Internet governance, implementation of the Digital

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Bilingual documents Bulgarian-English in the field of ICT and Transport (Processed) details >

Bilingual documents Bulgarian-English in the field of open data, broadband and information society... Open Data

English-Bulgarian collection in the field of open data, broadband, strategic document of the Informa

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Bilingual documents Bulgarian-English in the field of open data, broadband and information society... details >

Bilingual hr-en parallel corpus from the National and University Library in Zagreb website... Open Data

Contents of were crawled, aligned on document and sentence level and converted int

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Bilingual hr-en parallel corpus from the National and University Library in Zagreb website... details >

Bilingual Bulgarian-English corpus in the field of Information society (Processed) Open Data

Bilingual Bulgarian-English corpus in the field of Information society This dataset has been create

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Bilingual Bulgarian-English corpus in the field of Information society (Processed) details >

Bilingual English-Norwegian parallel corpus from the Office of the Auditor General (Riksrevisjonen)... Open Data

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (E

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Bilingual English-Norwegian parallel corpus from the Office of the Auditor General (Riksrevisjonen)... details >

Bilingual Danish-English parallel corpus from the State Audit Office (Rigsrevisionen) website Open Data

Contents of website downloaded, aligned and converted into parallel corpus

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Bilingual Danish-English parallel corpus from the State Audit Office (Rigsrevisionen) website details >

English-Slovak corpus of annual reports on immigration and asylum policies from the EMN National... Open Data

English-Slovak corpus of annual reports on immigration and asylum policies from the EMN National Co

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English-Slovak corpus of annual reports on immigration and asylum policies from the EMN National... details >

English-Slovak corpus of annual reports from the Slovak National Centre for Human Rights website... Open Data

English-Slovak corpus of annual reports from the Slovak National Centre for Human Rights for the 200

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English-Slovak corpus of annual reports from the Slovak National Centre for Human Rights website... details >

Bilingual en-sk parallel corpus of annual reports from the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic... Open Data

Bilingual en-sk parallel corpus of annual reports from the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

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Bilingual en-sk parallel corpus of annual reports from the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic... details >

EUIPO - IP case law French-English (Processed) Open Data

EUIPO - IP case law (BoA) French-English This dataset has been created within the framework of the

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EUIPO - IP case law French-English (Processed) details >

EUIPO - IP case law Spanish-English (Processed) Open Data

EUIPO - IP case law (BOA) Spanish-English Years: 2002-2017 This dataset has been created within th

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EUIPO - IP case law Spanish-English (Processed) details >

EUIPO - IP case law German-English (Processed) Open Data

EUIPO - IP case law (Boards of Appeal cases) German-English Years: 2002 - 2017 This dataset has be

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EUIPO - IP case law German-English (Processed) details >

EUIPO - IP case law Italian-English (Processed) Open Data

EUIPO - IP case law (BoA) Italian-English Years: 2002-2017 This dataset has been created within th

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EUIPO - IP case law Italian-English (Processed) details >

Trilingual Documents related to International Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters... Open Data

Trilingual (Greek-English-French) documents - standard forms: requests, certificates, summaries, not

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Trilingual Documents related to International Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters... details >

Croatian-English corpus with Acts on Biological and Landscape Diversity and Environmental Protection... Open Data

Croatian-English corpus with Acts on Biological and Landscape Diversity and Environmental Protection

Issued on

Croatian-English corpus with Acts on Biological and Landscape Diversity and Environmental Protection... details >

Translation memories from Forbruker Europa (Processed) Open Data

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (E

Issued on

Translation memories from Forbruker Europa (Processed) details >

Webpage_Foreign_Office_AA_de-fr_2016-2018 (Processed) Open Data

Translations from the Website of the German Foreign Office, 2016-2018, containing 24.931 Translation

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Webpage_Foreign_Office_AA_de-fr_2016-2018 (Processed) details >

Webpage_Foreign_Office_AA_de-en_2016 (Processed) Open Data

Translations from the Website of the German Foreign Office, 2016. Contains 12555 TUs. DE-EN This da

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Webpage_Foreign_Office_AA_de-en_2016 (Processed) details >

Webpage_Foreign_Office_AA_de-en_2017 (Processed) Open Data

Translations from the Website of the German Foreign Office, 2017. Contains 24727 TUs. DE-EN This da

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Webpage_Foreign_Office_AA_de-en_2017 (Processed) details >

Webpage_Foreign_Office_AA_de-en_2018 (Processed) Open Data

Translations from the Website of the German Foreign Office, 2018. Contains 20554 TUs. DE-EN This da

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Webpage_Foreign_Office_AA_de-en_2018 (Processed) details >

Khresmoi (Processed) Open Data

Parallel data sets for development and testing of machine translation of sentences from summaries of

Issued on

Khresmoi (Processed) details >

EUIPO - list of goods and services German and English (Processed) Open Data

EUIPO list of goods and services format: TMX This dataset has been created within the framework of

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EUIPO - list of goods and services German and English (Processed) details >

EUIPO - list of goods and services German and Spanish (Processed) Open Data

EUIPO list of goods and services format: TMX This dataset has been created within the framework of

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EUIPO - list of goods and services German and Spanish (Processed) details >

EUIPO - list of goods and services German and French (Processed) Open Data

EUIPO list of goods and services format: TMX This dataset has been created within the framework of

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EUIPO - list of goods and services German and French (Processed) details >

EUIPO - list of goods and services German and Italian (Processed) Open Data

EUIPO list of goods and services format: TMX This dataset has been created within the framework of

Issued on

EUIPO - list of goods and services German and Italian (Processed) details >

EUIPO - list of goods and services Spanish and English (Processed) Open Data

EUIPO list of goods and services format: TMX This dataset has been created within the framework of

Issued on

EUIPO - list of goods and services Spanish and English (Processed) details >

EUIPO - list of goods and services Spanish and French (Processed) Open Data

EUIPO list of goods and services format: TMX This dataset has been created within the framework of

Issued on

EUIPO - list of goods and services Spanish and French (Processed) details >

Press and Information Office (PIO) Publication: "CYPRUS still occupied still divided 1974-2016" Open Data

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (E

Issued on

Press and Information Office (PIO) Publication: "CYPRUS still occupied still divided 1974-2016" details >

EUIPO - list of goods and services French and English (Processed) Open Data

EUIPO list of goods and services format: TMX This dataset has been created within the framework of

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EUIPO - list of goods and services French and English (Processed) details >

EUIPO - list of goods and services Italian and English (Processed) Open Data

EUIPO list of goods and services format: TMX This dataset has been created within the framework of

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EUIPO - list of goods and services Italian and English (Processed) details >

EUIPO - list of goods and services Italian and Spanish (Processed) Open Data

EUIPO list of goods and services format: TMX This dataset has been created within the framework of

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EUIPO - list of goods and services Italian and Spanish (Processed) details >

EUIPO - list of goods and services Italian and French (Processed) Open Data

EUIPO list of goods and services format: TMX This dataset has been created within the framework of

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EUIPO - list of goods and services Italian and French (Processed) details >

Cyprus at a glance Open Data

This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Language Resource Coordination (E

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Cyprus at a glance details >

Letter of rights for persons arrested on the basis of a European Arrest Warrant Open Data

Letter of rights for persons arrested on the basis of a European Arrest Warrant (EAW), 1 page, This

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Letter of rights for persons arrested on the basis of a European Arrest Warrant details >

English-Finnish parallel corpus from National Audit Office of Finland Open Data

English-Finnish parallel corpus compiled from the contents of National Audit Office of Finland web s

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English-Finnish parallel corpus from National Audit Office of Finland details >

English-Finnish parallel corpus from the web site Open Data

Parallel English-Finnish corpus compiled from the web site by crawling the cont

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English-Finnish parallel corpus from the web site details >

English-Estonian parallel corpus from the web site Open Data

Parallel English-Estonian corpus compiled from the web site by crawling the con

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English-Estonian parallel corpus from the web site details >

Letter of rights for persons arrested and or detained Open Data

Police form, 12 pages. This dataset has been created within the framework of the European Languag

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Letter of rights for persons arrested and or detained details >

English-Latvian parallel corpus from the web site Open Data

Parallel English-Latvian corpus compiled from the web site by crawling the cont

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English-Latvian parallel corpus from the web site details >

English-Swedish parallel corpus from the web site Open Data

Parallel English-Swedish corpus compiled from the web site by crawling the cont

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English-Swedish parallel corpus from the web site details >

English-Swedish parallel corpus from National Audit Office of Finland Open Data

English-Swedish parallel corpus compiled from the contents of National Audit Office of Finland web s

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English-Swedish parallel corpus from National Audit Office of Finland details >

Croatian monolingual corpus of the Official journal of the Republic of Croatia (Processed) Open Data

The corpus comprises texts published on the Official journal of the Republic of Croatia from 1992 to

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Croatian monolingual corpus of the Official journal of the Republic of Croatia (Processed) details >

Slovak corpus of texts from the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic (Processed) Open Data

Dataset of Slovak legal texts within agenda of the Ministry, plain text format This dataset has bee

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Slovak corpus of texts from the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic (Processed) details >

Slovak corpus of texts from the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic (Processed) Open Data

Dataset of various legal texts within agenda of the Ministry, plain text format, size 107745 words

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Slovak corpus of texts from the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic (Processed) details >

Monolingual Polish corpus in the culture domain (part1) (Processed) Open Data

Monolingual Polish corpus from the Warsaw - Official Tourist Website. This dataset has been created

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Monolingual Polish corpus in the culture domain (part1) (Processed) details >

Monolingual Bulgarian corpus in the culture domain (part 1) (Processed) Open Data

Monolingual Bulgarian corpus including content from public websites related to the "culture" domain.

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Monolingual Bulgarian corpus in the culture domain (part 1) (Processed) details >

Greek anti-corruption legislation and National Anti-Corruption Plan (greek-english) Open Data

Greek laws, ratification of International Conventions against corruption and relevant matters. Natio

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Greek anti-corruption legislation and National Anti-Corruption Plan (greek-english) details >

Monolingual Bulgarian corpus in the culture domain (part 2) (Processed) Open Data

Monolingual Bulgarian corpus including content from websites related to the "culture" domain. This

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Monolingual Bulgarian corpus in the culture domain (part 2) (Processed) details >

Monolingual Polish corpus in the law domain (Processed) Open Data

Monolingual (pol) corpus, including content of websites that are relevant to law and justice This d

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Monolingual Polish corpus in the law domain (Processed) details >

Monolingual Romanian corpus in the law domain (Processed) Open Data

Monolingual (ron) corpus, including content from public websites related to law-justice This datase

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Monolingual Romanian corpus in the law domain (Processed) details >

Monolingual Greek corpus in the culture domain (Processed) Open Data

Monolingual Greek corpus, including content from public websites related to culture This dataset ha

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Monolingual Greek corpus in the culture domain (Processed) details >

Monolingual Romanian corpus in the culture domain (Processed) Open Data

Monolingual Romanian corpus, including content from public websites related to culture This dataset

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Monolingual Romanian corpus in the culture domain (Processed) details >

Polish Court Rulings Corpus (Processed) Open Data

The Polish Court Rulings Corpus contains 62 726 rulings of Polish courts, over 178 million words of

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Polish Court Rulings Corpus (Processed) details >

Verbatim reports of Saeima of the Republic of Latvia (Processed) Open Data

Verbatim reports of Saeima of the Republic of Latvia collected from Saeimas web site http://www.saei

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Verbatim reports of Saeima of the Republic of Latvia (Processed) details >

POLSIS - Database of policy planning documents (Processed) Open Data

Contains all the documents of State policy planning. Downloaded and compiled from

Issued on

POLSIS - Database of policy planning documents (Processed) details >

Parallel corpus (Greek - English) in the public administration domain Open Data

Parallel (el-en) corpus of 12509 translation units in the public administration domain. This datase

Issued on 2017-12-14

Parallel corpus (Greek - English) in the public administration domain details >

Parallel Bulgarian-English from the Official Tourism Portal of Bulgaria (Processed) Open Data

Parallel Bulgarian-English corpus from the Official Tourism Portal of Bulgaria (http://www.bulgariat

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Parallel Bulgarian-English from the Official Tourism Portal of Bulgaria (Processed) details >

Parallel texts from the Swedish Migration Board - Migrationsverket (English-Croatian part)... Open Data

All texts have been collected from their website of the Swedish Migration Board. This dataset has b

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Parallel texts from the Swedish Migration Board - Migrationsverket (English-Croatian part)... details >

EUIPO - Trade mark Guidelines (October 2017) (English-Croatian) (Processed) Open Data

The EUIPO Guidelines are the main point of reference for users of the European Union trade mark syst

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EUIPO - Trade mark Guidelines (October 2017) (English-Croatian) (Processed) details >

EUIPO - Trade mark Guidelines (October 2017) (English-Greek) (Processed) Open Data

The EUIPO Guidelines are the main point of reference for users of the European Union trade mark syst

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EUIPO - Trade mark Guidelines (October 2017) (English-Greek) (Processed) details >

EUIPO - Trade mark Guidelines (October 2017) (English-Bulgarian) (Processed) Open Data

The EUIPO Guidelines are the main point of reference for users of the European Union trade mark syst

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EUIPO - Trade mark Guidelines (October 2017) (English-Bulgarian) (Processed) details >

EUIPO - Trade mark Guidelines (October 2017) (English-Romanian) (Processed) Open Data

The EUIPO Guidelines are the main point of reference for users of the European Union trade mark syst

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EUIPO - Trade mark Guidelines (October 2017) (English-Romanian) (Processed) details >

EUIPO - Trade mark Guidelines (October 2017) (English-Polish) (Processed) Open Data

The EUIPO Guidelines are the main point of reference for users of the European Union trade mark syst

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EUIPO - Trade mark Guidelines (October 2017) (English-Polish) (Processed) details >

EUIPO - Trade mark Guidelines (October 2017) (English-Slovak) (Processed) Open Data

The EUIPO Guidelines are the main point of reference for users of the European Union trade mark syst

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EUIPO - Trade mark Guidelines (October 2017) (English-Slovak) (Processed) details >

EUIPO - Trade mark Guidelines (October 2017) (English-Slovenian) (Processed) Open Data

The EUIPO Guidelines are the main point of reference for users of the European Union trade mark syst

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EUIPO - Trade mark Guidelines (October 2017) (English-Slovenian) (Processed) details >

Monolingual corpus from Transcripts of Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania speeches Open Data

Transcripts of Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania speeches collected from Seimas web site and conve

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Monolingual corpus from Transcripts of Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania speeches details >

Monolingual corpus from Minutes of the Plenary Sessions of the Hellenic Parliament (2018)... Open Data

Minutes of the Plenary Sessions of the Hellenic Parliament (2018) were downloaded from https://www.h

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Monolingual corpus from Minutes of the Plenary Sessions of the Hellenic Parliament (2018)... details >

Energy Report of the City of Vienna (Processed) Open Data

Data for 2015/ Year of reporting 2017, Municipal Department 20. Contains 481 TUs in EN-AT and EN, ch

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Energy Report of the City of Vienna (Processed) details >

Austrian Research and Technology Report 2015 (Processed) Open Data

2716 Translation Units in the field of Research and Technology (DE-AT and EN). Checked and Stripped

Issued on

Austrian Research and Technology Report 2015 (Processed) details >

2017 Activity Report Hohe Tauern National Park (Processed) Open Data

1020 Translation Units about the activities of the Hohe TauernNational Park (DE-AT, EN-GB). in TMX s

Issued on

2017 Activity Report Hohe Tauern National Park (Processed) details >

Vienna Environmental Report2004/2005 (Processed) Open Data

2221 Translation Pairs (DE-AT, EN) in a report on environment by the City of Vienna (Stadt Wien). In

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Vienna Environmental Report2004/2005 (Processed) details >

Monolingual corpus from Minutes of the Sittings of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania (2016-2018)... Open Data

Minutes of the Sittings of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania (2016-2018) were downloaded from http:

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Monolingual corpus from Minutes of the Sittings of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania (2016-2018)... details >

Monolingual corpus from Minutes of the Plenary Sessions of the Croatian Parliament (2016-2018)... Open Data

Minutes of the Plenary Sessions of the Croatian Parliament (2016-2018) were downloaded from http://e

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Monolingual corpus from Minutes of the Plenary Sessions of the Croatian Parliament (2016-2018)... details >

Monolingual corpus from Minutes of the Plenary Sessions of the National Assembly of Slovenia... Open Data

Minutes of the Plenary Sessions of the National Assembly of Slovenia(12.02.2018 - 09.01.2018) were d

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Monolingual corpus from Minutes of the Plenary Sessions of the National Assembly of Slovenia... details >

Monolingual corpus from Minutes of the Plenary Sessions of the National Assembly of Bulgaria (2018)... Open Data

Minutes of the Plenary Sessions of the National Assembly of Bulgaria (2018) were downloaded from htt

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Monolingual corpus from Minutes of the Plenary Sessions of the National Assembly of Bulgaria (2018)... details >

Portuguese-French bilingual corpus from Portuguese law on referendum (Processed) Open Data

Law on the referendum in Portugal; bilingual tmx file in PT-FR (Processed) This dataset has been cr

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Portuguese-French bilingual corpus from Portuguese law on referendum (Processed) details >

Spanish-Portuguese website parallel corpus (Processed) Open Data

This is a parallel corpus of bilingual texts crawled from multilingual websites, which contains 1,24

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Spanish-Portuguese website parallel corpus (Processed) details >

Spanish-Italian website parallel corpus (Processed) Open Data

This is a parallel corpus of bilingual texts crawled from multilingual websites, which contains 3,31

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Spanish-Italian website parallel corpus (Processed) details >

Spanish-French website parallel corpus (Processed) Open Data

This is a parallel corpus of bilingual texts crawled from multilingual websites, which contains 15,7

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Spanish-French website parallel corpus (Processed) details >

Spanish-German website parallel corpus (Processed) Open Data

This is a parallel corpus of bilingual texts crawled from multilingual websites, which contains 2,84

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Spanish-German website parallel corpus (Processed) details >

Central Statistical Office Dataset Open Data

Two Polish-English publications of the Polish Central Statistical Office in the XLIFF format: 1. "S

Issued on 2017-12-14

Central Statistical Office Dataset details >

Monolingual corpus from Minutes of the Polish Senat (Posiedzenia) (2015-2018) (Processed) Open Data

The Monolingual Corpus from Minutes of the the Polish Senat (Posiedzenia) (2015-2018) is part of "Th

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Monolingual corpus from Minutes of the Polish Senat (Posiedzenia) (2015-2018) (Processed) details >
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