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02. Indoor-radon-concentration Open Data

The European Indoor Radon Map reports the arithmetic means over 10 km x 10 km grid cells of annual i

Issued on 2010-01-01

02. Indoor-radon-concentration details >

03. Indoor Radon - Number of measurements Open Data

The European Indoor Radon Map reports the number of measurement (N) over 10 km x 10 km grid cells of

Issued on 2010-01-01

03. Indoor Radon - Number of measurements details >

04. Uranium concentration in soil Open Data

The European uranium concentration in soil map displays the geometrical means (GM) of the concentrat

Issued on 2016-10-30

04. Uranium concentration in soil details >

05. Thorium concentration in soil Open Data

The European thorium concentration in soil map displays the geometrical means (GM) of the concentrat

Issued on 2016-10-30

05. Thorium concentration in soil details >

06. Potassium concentration in soil Open Data

The European potassium concentration in soil map displays the mean of the concentration of potassium

Issued on 2016-10-30

06. Potassium concentration in soil details >

07. Terrestrial gamma dose Open Data

The European Terrestrial Gamma Dose Rate map reports the gamma dose rate that a person may receive f

Issued on 2016-10-30

07. Terrestrial gamma dose details >

08. Uranium concentration in bedrock Open Data

The European uranium concentration in bedrock map displays the arithmetic mean of the concentration

Issued on 2016-11-10

08. Uranium concentration in bedrock details >

09. Thorium concentration in bedrock Open Data

The European thorium concentration in bedrock map displays the arithmetic mean of the concentration

Issued on 2016-11-10

09. Thorium concentration in bedrock details >

10. Potassium concentration in bedrock Open Data

The European potassium concentration in bedrock map displays the arithmetic mean of the concentratio

Issued on 2016-11-10

10. Potassium concentration in bedrock details >

11. Soil permeability Open Data

The European map of soil permeability displays the percentage of topsoil fine fraction (less than 63

Issued on 2016-08-22

11. Soil permeability details >

European Cancer Information System Open Data

The European Cancer Information System (ECIS) permits the exploration of geographical patterns and t

Issued on 2018-02-04

European Cancer Information System details >

JRC-EDGARv431_AP_gridmaps Open Data

In EDGARv4.3.1 emissions are calculated for gaseous and particulate air pollutants per sector and co

Issued on 2016-01-01

JRC-EDGARv431_AP_gridmaps details >

JRC-EDGARv431_AP_timeseries Open Data

In EDGARv4.3.1 emissions are calculated for gaseous and particulate air pollutants per sector and co

Issued on 2016-01-01

JRC-EDGARv431_AP_timeseries details >

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, version v4.3.2 part I Greenhouse gases... Open Data

Gridmaps of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) from 1970 till 2012 for all world countries with sector

Issued on 2017-03-31

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, version v4.3.2 part I Greenhouse gases... details >

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, version v4.3.2 part I Greenhouse gases... Open Data

Timeseries of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) from 1970 till 2012 for all world countries with sect

Issued on 2017-03-31

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, version v4.3.2 part I Greenhouse gases... details >

JRC-EDGARv432_VOC_spec_gridmaps Open Data

Non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) include a large number of chemical species differing

Issued on 2017-01-01

JRC-EDGARv432_VOC_spec_gridmaps details >

JRC-EDGARv432_VOC_spec_timeseries Open Data

Non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) include a large number of chemical species differing

Issued on 2017-01-01

JRC-EDGARv432_VOC_spec_timeseries details >

EDGARv4.1 Emission Maps Open Data

The Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) provides global past and present day

Issued on 2010-07-31

EDGARv4.1 Emission Maps details >

EDGARv4.2 Emission Maps Open Data

The ‘Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research version 4.2’, is a product of the Joint Resea

Issued on 2011-12-31

EDGARv4.2 Emission Maps details >

EDGARv4.tox1 Emission Maps Open Data

The EDGARv4.tox1 is part of the Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR), which pro

Issued on 2014-02-28

EDGARv4.tox1 Emission Maps details >

EDGARv4.tox2 Emission Maps Open Data

The EDGARv4.tox2 is part of the Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR), which pro

Issued on 2018-04-10

EDGARv4.tox2 Emission Maps details >

EDGARv4.1 Emission Time Series Open Data

The Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) provides global past and present day

Issued on 2010-07-31

EDGARv4.1 Emission Time Series details >

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, version v4.2 (time-series) Open Data

Timeseries of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, F-gases) and air pollutants (SO2, NOx, NH3, NMVOC, CO

Issued on 2011-11-30

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, version v4.2 (time-series) details >

EDGAR-HTAP: a harmonized gridded air pollution emission dataset based on national inventories Open Data

The EDGAR-HTAP project compiled a global emission dataset with annual inventories for CH4, NMVOC, CO

Issued on 2011-06-30

EDGAR-HTAP: a harmonized gridded air pollution emission dataset based on national inventories details >

HTAP_v2.2: a mosaic of regional and global emission grid maps for 2008 and 2010 to study hemispheric... Open Data

The HTAP_V2 dataset consists of 0.1degx0.1deg gridmaps (left bottom corner centered) of CH4, CO, SO2

Issued on 2013-10-01

HTAP_v2.2: a mosaic of regional and global emission grid maps for 2008 and 2010 to study hemispheric... details >

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, version v4.2 FT2012 (time-series) Open Data

Timeseries of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, GHG) from 1970 till 2012 for all world countries.

Issued on 2014-09-26

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, version v4.2 FT2012 (time-series) details >

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, version v4.2 FT2010 (grid-maps) Open Data

Timeseries of gridmaps of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) from 2000 till 2010 for all world countri

Issued on 2013-12-03

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, version v4.2 FT2010 (grid-maps) details >

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, version v4.2 (grid-maps) Open Data

Gridmaps of greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions from 1970 till 2008 for all world countries w

Issued on 2011-11-30

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, version v4.2 (grid-maps) details >

EDGARv4.2FT2010 with EPRTR for INGOS Open Data

The EDGAR INGOS CH4 and N2O emission inventory provides bottom‐up estimates of global anthropogenic

Issued on 2013-04-30

EDGARv4.2FT2010 with EPRTR for INGOS details >

RETROSPECTIVE SCENARIOS: the EU air quality legislation in a global perspective Open Data

The EDGARv4.3.1 global anthropogenic emission inventory of several gaseous (SO2, NOx, CO, NMVOC, NH3

Issued on 2016-01-01

RETROSPECTIVE SCENARIOS: the EU air quality legislation in a global perspective details >

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, version v4.3.2 part II Air Pollutants (gridmaps) Open Data

Global emission gridmaps of air pollutants (SO2, NOx, CO, NMVOC, NH3, PM10, PM2.5, BC, OC) from 1970

Issued on 2018-01-08

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, version v4.3.2 part II Air Pollutants (gridmaps) details >

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, version v4.3.2 part II Air Pollutants... Open Data

Timeseries of air pollutants (SO2, NOx, CO, NMVOC, NH3, PM10, PM2.5, BC, OC) from 1970 till 2012 for

Issued on 2018-01-08

Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research, version v4.3.2 part II Air Pollutants... details >

JRC-EFAS-Hydropower Open Data

The JRC-EFAS-Hydropower dataset contains the weekly hydropower inflow of pure storage plants and the

Issued on 2020-10-13

JRC-EFAS-Hydropower details >

Solar hourly generation time series at country, NUTS 1, NUTS 2 level and bidding zones Open Data

EMHIRES is the first publically available European solar power generation dataset derived from meteo

Issued on 2017-06-01

Solar hourly generation time series at country, NUTS 1, NUTS 2 level and bidding zones details >

Wind hourly generation time series at country, NUTS 1, NUTS 2 level and bidding zones Open Data

EMHIRES is the first publically available European wind power generation dataset derived from meteor

Issued on 2016-11-10

Wind hourly generation time series at country, NUTS 1, NUTS 2 level and bidding zones details >

JRC-Names RDF: Person and organisation spelling variants as found in multilingual news articles Open Data

JRC-Names is a highly multilingual named entity resource for person and organisation names (called '

Issued on 2015-05-19

JRC-Names RDF: Person and organisation spelling variants as found in multilingual news articles details >

Cost development of low carbon energy technologies Open Data

This data set contains projections of capital investment costs of 9 low carbon energy technologies (

Issued on 2018-01-11

Cost development of low carbon energy technologies details >

2017 Techno-economics for larger heating and cooling technologies Open Data

This study provides data and projections for large-scale District Heating (DH) technologies includin

Issued on 2017-11-27

2017 Techno-economics for larger heating and cooling technologies details >

2017 Techno-economics for smaller heating and cooling technologies Open Data

This study provides data and projections for smaller heating and cooling technologies for the reside

Issued on 2017-11-27

2017 Techno-economics for smaller heating and cooling technologies details >

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2007) Open Data

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2007).

Issued on 2016-09-27

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2007) details >

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2008) Open Data

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2008)

Issued on 2016-11-10

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2008) details >

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2009) Open Data

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2009)

Issued on 2017-02-10

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2009) details >

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2010) Open Data

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2010)

Issued on 2017-02-10

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2010) details >

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2011) Open Data

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2011)

Issued on 2017-02-10

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2011) details >

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2012) Open Data

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2012)

Issued on 2017-02-10

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2012) details >

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2013) Open Data

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2013)

Issued on 2017-02-10

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2013) details >

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2014) Open Data

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2014)

Issued on 2017-02-10

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2014) details >

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2015) Open Data

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2015)

Issued on 2017-02-10

European Union Banking Sector Statistics (2015) details >

ChemAgora Open Data

The ChemAgora web portal provides search capabilities to chemical data from resources available onli

Issued on 2014-01-01

ChemAgora details >

Inventory of the 3Rs knowledge sources Open Data

In the context of the European Commission's Communication published in response to the European Citi

Issued on 2017-11-08

Inventory of the 3Rs knowledge sources details >

EURL ECVAM Fish In Vitro Intrinsic Clearance Database Open Data

The Fish In Vitro Intrinsic Clearance database is an Excel™ workbook and includes fish in vitro intr

Issued on 2018-05-02

EURL ECVAM Fish In Vitro Intrinsic Clearance Database details >

EURL ECVAM Fish In Vivo Biotransformation Database Open Data

The Fish In Vivo Biotransformation database is an Excel™ workbook and includes fish in vivo biotrans

Issued on 2018-11-07

EURL ECVAM Fish In Vivo Biotransformation Database details >

EURL ECVAM Genotoxicity and Carcinogenicity Consolidated Database of Ames Positive Chemicals Open Data

The EURL ECVAM Genotoxicity and Carcinogenicity Consolidated Database is a structured master databas

Issued on 2018-02-05

EURL ECVAM Genotoxicity and Carcinogenicity Consolidated Database of Ames Positive Chemicals details >

Computational models for the safety assessment of nanomaterials Open Data

The supplementary materials of the Nanocomput report comprise: S1: Inventory of Quantitative Structu

Issued on 2017-07-11

Computational models for the safety assessment of nanomaterials details >

EURL ECVAM Rodent In Vitro Intrinsic Clearance Database Open Data

The rodent In Vitro Intrinsic Clearance database is an Excel™ workbook and includes rodent (mouse, r

Issued on 2018-10-08

EURL ECVAM Rodent In Vitro Intrinsic Clearance Database details >

EURL ECVAM Rodent In Vivo Biotransformation Database Open Data

The Rodent In Vivo Biotransformation database is an Excel™ workbook and includes rodent (mouse, rat)

Issued on 2018-10-08

EURL ECVAM Rodent In Vivo Biotransformation Database details >

Economic, biological and transversal fisheries and aquaculture data compiled by JRC Open Data

The JRC fisheries and aquaculture data dissemination website provides access to economic, biological

Issued on 2016-11-19

Economic, biological and transversal fisheries and aquaculture data compiled by JRC details >

AIS derived high resolution fishing effort layer for European trawlers of more than 15 meters long... Open Data

The high resolution fishing effort layer for European trawlers in the period 2014 -2015 was derived

Issued on 2016-01-01

AIS derived high resolution fishing effort layer for European trawlers of more than 15 meters long... details >

FishTrace: a genetic catalogue of European fishes Open Data

FishTrace is a genetic catalogue for species identification associated to reference collections of t

Issued on 2006-09-30

FishTrace: a genetic catalogue of European fishes details >

Map of permanent water bodies of the World Open Data

The map represents permanent water bodies at global scale (lakes and reservoirs), derived from a cor

Issued on 2016-11-04

Map of permanent water bodies of the World details >

Flood hazard map of the World - 100-year return period Open Data

The map depicts flood prone areas at global scale for flood events with 100-year return period. Reso

Issued on 2016-11-02

Flood hazard map of the World - 100-year return period details >

Flood hazard map of the World - 10-year return period Open Data

The map depicts flood prone areas at global scale for flood events with 10-year return period. Resol

Issued on 2016-11-02

Flood hazard map of the World - 10-year return period details >

Flood hazard map of the World - 200-year return period Open Data

The map depicts flood prone areas at global scale for flood events with 200-year return period. Reso

Issued on 2016-11-02

Flood hazard map of the World - 200-year return period details >

Flood hazard map of the World - 20-year return period Open Data

The map depicts flood prone areas at global scale for flood events with 20-year return period. Resol

Issued on 2016-11-02

Flood hazard map of the World - 20-year return period details >

Flood hazard map of the World - 500-year return period Open Data

The map depicts flood prone areas at global scale for flood events with 500-year return period. Reso

Issued on 2016-11-02

Flood hazard map of the World - 500-year return period details >

Flood hazard map of the World - 50-year return period Open Data

The map depicts flood prone areas at global scale for flood events with 50-year return period. Resol

Issued on 2016-11-02

Flood hazard map of the World - 50-year return period details >

GHS-BUILT R2018A - GHS built-up grid, derived from Landsat, multitemporal (1975-1990-2000-2014) -... Open Data

Multi-temporal information layer on the presence of built-up surfaces derived from global Landsat sa

Issued on 2018-07-18

GHS-BUILT R2018A - GHS built-up grid, derived from Landsat, multitemporal (1975-1990-2000-2014) -... details >

GHS built-up grid, derived from Sentinel-1 (2016), R2018A - OBSOLETE RELEASE Open Data

Information layer on the presence of built-up surfaces derived from global Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aper

Issued on 2018-07-18

GHS built-up grid, derived from Sentinel-1 (2016), R2018A - OBSOLETE RELEASE details >

GHS-BUILT R2018A - GHS built-up grid INPUT DATA, Landsat multitemporal collections... Open Data

Multi-temporal information layers on footprint and metadata of Landsat scenes used in the production

Issued on 2018-10-09

GHS-BUILT R2018A - GHS built-up grid INPUT DATA, Landsat multitemporal collections... details >

GHS-BUILT R2015B - GHS built-up grid, derived from Landsat, multitemporal (1975, 1990, 2000, 2014) -... Open Data

OBSOLETE RELEASE Get the latest release at The Global Hu

Issued on 2015-01-12

GHS-BUILT R2015B - GHS built-up grid, derived from Landsat, multitemporal (1975, 1990, 2000, 2014) -... details >

GHS-BUILT R2015B - GHS built-up confidence grid, derived from Landsat, multitemporal (1975, 1990,... Open Data

OBSOLETE RELEASE Get the latest release at The Global Hu

Issued on 2015-01-12

GHS-BUILT R2015B - GHS built-up confidence grid, derived from Landsat, multitemporal (1975, 1990,... details >

GHS-BUILT R2015B - GHS built-up datamask grid, derived from Landsat, multitemporal (1975, 1990,... Open Data

OBSOLETE RELEASE Get the latest release at The Global Hu

Issued on 2015-01-12

GHS-BUILT R2015B - GHS built-up datamask grid, derived from Landsat, multitemporal (1975, 1990,... details >

GHS population grid, derived from EUROSTAT census data (2011) and ESM R2016 - OBSOLETE RELEASE Open Data

The Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) project is supported by European Commission, Joint Research

Issued on 2016-04-01

GHS population grid, derived from EUROSTAT census data (2011) and ESM R2016 - OBSOLETE RELEASE details >

GHS-POP R2015A - GHS population grid, derived from GPW4, multitemporal (1975, 1990, 2000, 2015) -... Open Data

OBSOLETE RELEASE Get the latest release at The Global Hu

Issued on 2015-01-12

GHS-POP R2015A - GHS population grid, derived from GPW4, multitemporal (1975, 1990, 2000, 2015) -... details >

GHS-SMOD R2016A - GHS settlement grid, following the REGIO model 2014 in application to GHSL Landsat... Open Data

OBSOLETE RELEASE Get the latest release at The Global Hu

Issued on 2016-01-12

GHS-SMOD R2016A - GHS settlement grid, following the REGIO model 2014 in application to GHSL Landsat... details >

Global Surface Water Explorer dataset Open Data

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre developed this new water dataset in the framework of

Issued on 2017-09-01

Global Surface Water Explorer dataset details >

European Coastal Flood Risk Open Data

In this study we present the results of the coastal flood risk assessment for Europe until the end o

Issued on 2018-04-04

European Coastal Flood Risk details >

Compound flood potential in Europe Open Data

In this study we investigate the probability of joint occurrence of storm surges, precipitation, riv

Issued on 2018-02-28

Compound flood potential in Europe details >

EU High Resolution Temperature and Precipitation Open Data

Bias-adjusted daily time series of mean, minimum (Tn) and maximum (Tx) temperature, and precipitatio

Issued on 2018-04-04

EU High Resolution Temperature and Precipitation details >

Global Extreme Sea Level projections Open Data

In this study we present probabilistic projections of Extreme Sea Levels (ESL) until the end of the

Issued on 2018-04-18

Global Extreme Sea Level projections details >

Hindcasts of storm surge and wave height over 32 river ending points Open Data

Climate data (hindcasts / re-forecasts) related to a study investigating the statistical dependence

Issued on 2018-06-30

Hindcasts of storm surge and wave height over 32 river ending points details >

OUTPUT - Potential accessibility maps (LUISA Platform REF2014 ) Open Data

Projected potential accessibility according to the EU Reference scenario, 2010 - 2050.

Issued on 2014-12-01

OUTPUT - Potential accessibility maps (LUISA Platform REF2014 ) details >

UI - Atmospheric emissions of CO2 (LUISA Platform REF2014) Open Data

The indicator shows the spatial distribution of CO2 (Carbon dioxide) emissions over Europe. The tota

Issued on 2015-04-22

UI - Atmospheric emissions of CO2 (LUISA Platform REF2014) details >

INPUT - Corine Land Cover 2006 - refined version Open Data

The Corine Land Cover 2006 - refined version (CLC06r) corresponds to a modified and improved version

Issued on 2011-09-14

INPUT - Corine Land Cover 2006 - refined version details >

INPUT - European Population Map 2006 Open Data

The European Population Map 2006 is a digital raster grid that reports the number of residents (nigh

Issued on 2016-01-25

INPUT - European Population Map 2006 details >

INPUT - Traveltime Aggregation Matrix Open Data

Data describing accurately aggregated travel times used to set up more accurate travel time models,

Issued on 2017-03-24

INPUT - Traveltime Aggregation Matrix details >

OUTPUT - Land-use/cover maps (LUISA Platform REF2014 ) Open Data

Projected land-use/cover maps, 2010 - 2050.

Issued on 2014-12-01

OUTPUT - Land-use/cover maps (LUISA Platform REF2014 ) details >

LF113 - b - GDP/capita (LUISA Platform REF2014) Open Data

Gross domestic product (GDP) is defined by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Developmen

Issued on 2015-04-22

LF113 - b - GDP/capita (LUISA Platform REF2014) details >

LF211 - Recreation potential maps (LUISA Platform REF2014) Open Data

The land function provision of leisure refers to the access to recreational services including cultu

Issued on 2015-04-22

LF211 - Recreation potential maps (LUISA Platform REF2014) details >

LF311 - Water Consumption (LUISA Platform REF2014) Open Data

The indicator Water consumption is the result of the water use model which allocates sectorial stati

Issued on 2015-04-22

LF311 - Water Consumption (LUISA Platform REF2014) details >

LF312 - Water Productivity (LUISA Platform REF2014) Open Data

The indicator reflects productivity in terms of water use, so gives a measure of a country's water u

Issued on 2015-11-10

LF312 - Water Productivity (LUISA Platform REF2014) details >

LF321 - Food and feed production (LUISA Platform REF2014) Open Data

The food and feed production indicator aims to assess the intensity of the agricultural production i

Issued on 2015-11-06

LF321 - Food and feed production (LUISA Platform REF2014) details >

LF331 - Biomass harvested from energy crops (LUISA Platform REF2014) Open Data

The indicator is defined as the amount of biomass produced from dedicated energy crops over the tota

Issued on 2015-11-06

LF331 - Biomass harvested from energy crops (LUISA Platform REF2014) details >

LF332 - Energy content of dedicated energy crops (LUISA Platform REF2014) Open Data

The indicator is defined as the amount of energy content of the biomass harvested from dedicated ene

Issued on 2015-11-06

LF332 - Energy content of dedicated energy crops (LUISA Platform REF2014) details >

LF411 - Share of residential areas over the total land area (LUISA Platform REF2014) Open Data

The share of residential areas over the total land area indicator aims to assess the proportion of l

Issued on 2015-04-22

LF411 - Share of residential areas over the total land area (LUISA Platform REF2014) details >

LF412 - Residential areas per inhabitant (LUISA Platform REF2014) Open Data

The residential areas per inhabitant indicator measures the land consumption by comparing the size o

Issued on 2015-04-22

LF412 - Residential areas per inhabitant (LUISA Platform REF2014) details >

LF415 - Population density (LUISA Platform REF2014) Open Data

This indicator is calculated by dividing the projected population in a region by the region total ar

Issued on 2015-04-22

LF415 - Population density (LUISA Platform REF2014) details >

LF421 - Share of ICS areas over the total land area (LUISA Platform REF2014 ) Open Data

The share of industrial-commercial-services areas over the total land area indicator aims to assess

Issued on 2015-04-22

LF421 - Share of ICS areas over the total land area (LUISA Platform REF2014 ) details >

LF422 - ICS economic output per unit of ICS area ( LUISA Platform REF2014) Open Data

The industrial/commercial/services (ICS) economic output per unit of ICS area- is the ratio of the G

Issued on 2015-04-22

LF422 - ICS economic output per unit of ICS area ( LUISA Platform REF2014) details >

LF431 - Share of built-up area over the total land (LUISA Platform REF2014) Open Data

Built-up areas measures the total built-up area as a share of the total surface area of land in the

Issued on 2015-11-06

LF431 - Share of built-up area over the total land (LUISA Platform REF2014) details >
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