HELCOM Metadata catalogue Open data in a single API request

HELCOM Metadata catalogue contains descriptions of datasets collected under HELCOM, Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission. datasets available on official portal for European data

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Fishing intensity total 2013 surface gear v2 Open Data

This dataset describes fishing intensity for surface mobile bottom contacting gear in 2013 based on

Issued on 2017-11-01

Fishing intensity total 2013 surface gear v2 details >

Sprat abundance Open Data

The map of sprat relative abundance is mainly based on Baltic International acoustic surveys (BIAS),

Issued on

Sprat abundance details >

Fishing effort mobile bottom-contacting gear 2011 Open Data

This dataset describes fishing effort (hours/c-square) for mobile bottom-contacting gear in 2011base

Issued on 2015-08-25

Fishing effort mobile bottom-contacting gear 2011 details >

Larus melanocephalus (EN) Open Data

Observations of Larus melanocephalus were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List spe

Issued on

Larus melanocephalus (EN) details >

Fishing effort mobile bottom-contacting gear first quarter 2013 Open Data

This dataset describes fishing effort (hours/c-square) for mobile bottom-contacting gear in first qu

Issued on 2015-08-25

Fishing effort mobile bottom-contacting gear first quarter 2013 details >

Top 40 rivers by annual total nitrogen loads Open Data

This dataset reflects spatial distribution of nutrients load and load of selected hazardous substanc

Issued on 2018-04-20

Top 40 rivers by annual total nitrogen loads details >

Calidris alpina schinzii (EN) Open Data

Observations of Calidris alpina schinzii were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List

Issued on

Calidris alpina schinzii (EN) details >

Dissolved Organic Phosphorus frequency Open Data

This dataset was collected by HELCOM Secretariat during the HELCOM MORE project and represents moni

Issued on 2013-05-06

Dissolved Organic Phosphorus frequency details >

Abundance of waterbirds in the breeding season - pelagic feeders 2018 (HOLAS 2) Open Data

This dataset contains core indicator results for the bird species breeding in the Baltic Sea area by

Issued on 2018-06-28

Abundance of waterbirds in the breeding season - pelagic feeders 2018 (HOLAS 2) details >

HELCOM PLC database Open Data

HELCOM regularly produces a Pollution Load Compilation (PLC) which assesses the data collected by th

Issued on 1987-01-01

HELCOM PLC database details >

Lamna nasus (CR) Open Data

Observations of Lamna nasus were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List species list

Issued on

Lamna nasus (CR) details >

Fishing intensity OT SPF 2015 v2 Open Data

This dataset describes fishing intensity for OT SPF mobile bottom contacting gear in 2015 based on V

Issued on 2017-11-01

Fishing intensity OT SPF 2015 v2 details >

Metals (Cadmium) 2018 Open Data

This core indicator evaluates the status of the marine environment based on concentrations of heavy

Issued on 2018-06-28

Metals (Cadmium) 2018 details >

Total nitrogen 2018 Open Data

This indicator evaluates the eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea area based on annual total nitr

Issued on 2018-06-28

Total nitrogen 2018 details >

Fishing intensity OT MIX CRU DMF 2015 v2 Open Data

This dataset describes fishing intensity for OT MIX CRU DMF mobile bottom contacting gear in 2015 ba

Issued on 2017-11-01

Fishing intensity OT MIX CRU DMF 2015 v2 details >

AA.I3L10, AA.J3L10, AB.I3L10 and AB.J3L10 (NT) Open Data

Summary Estimated observations of the biotope AA.I3L10, AA.J3L10, AB.I3L10 and AB.J3L10 were collec

Issued on

AA.I3L10, AA.J3L10, AB.I3L10 and AB.J3L10 (NT) details >

PBDE in seawater Open Data

This dataset contains all PBDE in seawater monitoring station locationsas reported to HELCOM secreta

Issued on

PBDE in seawater details >

Pharmaceuticals in biota Open Data

This dataset contains data that was collected for the HELCOM report on Pharmaceuticals in the Baltic

Issued on 2016-08-30

Pharmaceuticals in biota details >

Physical disturbance (HOLAS 2) Open Data

Pressure layer combines all human activities that cause physical disturbance or damage to seabed. F

Issued on 2018-01-15

Physical disturbance (HOLAS 2) details >

Radioactive substances Cesium-137 in flatfish 2018 Open Data

This core indicator evaluates the status of the marine environment based on concentrations of radioa

Issued on 2018-06-28

Radioactive substances Cesium-137 in flatfish 2018 details >

Fishing intensity SDN DMF 2016 v2 Open Data

This dataset describes fishing intensity for SDN DMF mobile bottom contacting gear in 2016 based on

Issued on 2017-11-01

Fishing intensity SDN DMF 2016 v2 details >

Risk of oil spills from collisions on route 2008 2009 (BRISK) Open Data

This dataset depicts risk of oil spill from overtaking and head-on collisions. The modeled risk is c

Issued on

Risk of oil spills from collisions on route 2008 2009 (BRISK) details >

Galeorhinus galeus (VU) Open Data

Observations of Galeorhinus galeus were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List speci

Issued on

Galeorhinus galeus (VU) details >

Lumpenus lampretaeformis (LC) Open Data

Observations of Lumpenus lampretaeformis were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List

Issued on

Lumpenus lampretaeformis (LC) details >

Gammarellus inaequicauda (DD) Open Data

Observations of Gammarellus inaequicauda were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List

Issued on

Gammarellus inaequicauda (DD) details >

Fishing intensity OT CRU 2012 v2 Open Data

This dataset describes fishing intensity for OT CRU mobile bottom contacting gear in 2012 based on V

Issued on 2017-11-01

Fishing intensity OT CRU 2012 v2 details >

Sandbanks (1110) Open Data

Sandbanks (according to Habitats Directive Annex I) are areas elevated from their surroundings that

Issued on

Sandbanks (1110) details >

Vessel storage capacity Open Data

Dataset contains the vessels in the Baltic Sea area with capacity (over 200 m^3) to store recovered

Issued on

Vessel storage capacity details >

Population trends and abundance of seals - Harbour seal 2018 (HOLAS 2) Open Data

This core indicator evaluates the status of the marine environment based on population trends and ab

Issued on 2018-06-28

Population trends and abundance of seals - Harbour seal 2018 (HOLAS 2) details >

Risk of oil spills from illegal spills 2008 2009 (BRISK) Open Data

This dataset depicts risk of oil spill from illegal spills. The modeled risk is calculated for the y

Issued on

Risk of oil spills from illegal spills 2008 2009 (BRISK) details >

Total normalized annual average input of nitrogen in 2016 Open Data

Eutrophication, caused by excess input of nutrients, is one of the main threats affecting the Baltic

Issued on

Total normalized annual average input of nitrogen in 2016 details >

Symphodus melops (LC) Open Data

Observations of Symphodus melops were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List species

Issued on

Symphodus melops (LC) details >

Cottus gobio (LC) Open Data

Observations of Cottus gobio were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List species lis

Issued on

Cottus gobio (LC) details >

Breeding areas birds point (BRISK) Open Data

The data set is indicating important spots where sea- and shore birds breed in the Baltic Sea area.

Issued on

Breeding areas birds point (BRISK) details >

Delamarea attenuata (DD) Open Data

Observations of Delamarea attenuate were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List spec

Issued on

Delamarea attenuata (DD) details >

Beach litter on monitored sites (plastic pieces/100m) Open Data

Data set represents the reported beach litter items on monitoring sites at the Baltic Sea area. Data

Issued on 2018-05-31

Beach litter on monitored sites (plastic pieces/100m) details >

Fishing intensity total 2015 subsurface gear v2 Open Data

This dataset describes fishing intensity for subsurface mobile bottom contacting gear in 2015 based

Issued on 2017-11-01

Fishing intensity total 2015 subsurface gear v2 details >

Harbour porpoise distribution Open Data

This map shows the distribution and abundance of harbour porpoise across the Baltic Sea. The abunda

Issued on

Harbour porpoise distribution details >

1170 Reefs (VU) Open Data

Summary Estimated observations of the biotope 1170 were collected from the Baltic Sea area by exper

Issued on

1170 Reefs (VU) details >

Zoarces viviparus (NT) Open Data

Observations of Zoarces viviparus were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List specie

Issued on

Zoarces viviparus (NT) details >

Coregonus albula (LC) Open Data

Observations of Coregonus albula were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List species

Issued on

Coregonus albula (LC) details >

Moulting areas birds (BRISK) Open Data

The data set is showing moulting areas for sea birds (primary sea ducks) in the Baltic Sea area as p

Issued on

Moulting areas birds (BRISK) details >

Biological Open Data

Summary This dataset was collected by HELCOM Secretariat during the HELCOM MORE project and repres

Issued on 2013-05-06

Biological details >

Integrated eutrophication status assessment 2018 - Direct effects Open Data

This dataset contains integrated eutrophication status assessment 2011-2016, visualized for direct e

Issued on 2018-06-28

Integrated eutrophication status assessment 2018 - Direct effects details >

Fishing intensity Dredge 2009 v2 Open Data

This dataset describes fishing intensity for Dredge mobile bottom contacting gear in 2009 based on V

Issued on 2017-11-01

Fishing intensity Dredge 2009 v2 details >

Operational oil spills from ships 2018 data Open Data

Illegal oil discharges data is based on airborne surveillance supplemented with remote sensing equip

Issued on 2018-06-28

Operational oil spills from ships 2018 data details >

Sub-catchments of transboundary and border rivers Open Data

This dataset reflects spatial distribution of nutrients load and load of selected hazardous substanc

Issued on 2018-04-20

Sub-catchments of transboundary and border rivers details >

HBCD in sediment Open Data

This dataset contains all HBCD in sediment monitoring station locations as reported to HELCOM secret

Issued on

HBCD in sediment details >

Deposit of dredged material sites areas 2011-2016 Open Data

This data set on deposition sites of dredged material (areas) reported by HELCOM Contracting parties

Issued on

Deposit of dredged material sites areas 2011-2016 details >

State of the soft-bottom macrofauna community 2018 data Open Data

This dataset contains data used for the HELCOM Core indicator State of the soft-bottom macrofauna co

Issued on 2018-06-28

State of the soft-bottom macrofauna community 2018 data details >

Cyclopterus lumpus (NT) Open Data

Observations of Cyclopterus lumpus were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List speci

Issued on

Cyclopterus lumpus (NT) details >

Fishing intensity total 2014 subsurface gear v2 Open Data

This dataset describes fishing intensity for subsurface mobile bottom contacting gear in 2014 based

Issued on 2017-11-01

Fishing intensity total 2014 subsurface gear v2 details >

Urban land use (HOLAS 2) Open Data

Dataset represent urban land use (urban areas) around Baltic Sea coast. The resolution of the data i

Issued on

Urban land use (HOLAS 2) details >

Reproductive status of seals 2018 data Open Data

This dataset contains data used for assessing the HELCOM core indicator Reproductive status of seals

Issued on 2018-06-28

Reproductive status of seals 2018 data details >

Modelled bottom current (BALANCE) Open Data

Summary Model results of the annual mean bottom current velocity (m/s). Description This dataset

Issued on

Modelled bottom current (BALANCE) details >

AA.M1Q2, AA.H1Q2 and AA.J1Q2 (CR) Open Data

Summary Estimated observations of the biotope AA.M1Q2, AA.H1Q2, AA.I1Q2 and AA.J1Q2 were collected

Issued on

AA.M1Q2, AA.H1Q2 and AA.J1Q2 (CR) details >

Fishing intensity OT MIX CRU DMF 2013 v2 Open Data

This dataset describes fishing intensity for OT MIX CRU DMF mobile bottom contacting gear in 2013 ba

Issued on 2017-11-01

Fishing intensity OT MIX CRU DMF 2013 v2 details >

Pomatoschistus pictus (DD) Open Data

Observations of Pomatoschistus pictus were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List sp

Issued on

Pomatoschistus pictus (DD) details >

Myosotella myosotis (DD) Open Data

Observations of Myosotella myosotis were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List spec

Issued on

Myosotella myosotis (DD) details >

Abundance of sea trout spawners and parr 2018 Open Data

This core indicator evaluates the status of coastal sea areas of the Baltic Sea based on the abundan

Issued on 2018-06-28

Abundance of sea trout spawners and parr 2018 details >

Syngnathus acus (LC) Open Data

Observations of Syngnathus acus were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List species

Issued on

Syngnathus acus (LC) details >

Phrynorhombus norvegicus (DD) Open Data

Observations of Phrynorhombus norvegicus were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List

Issued on

Phrynorhombus norvegicus (DD) details >

HELCOM MORS Discharge database Open Data

MORS Discharge database has been used to collate data reported by HELCOM Contracting Parties on airb

Issued on 2020-06-25

HELCOM MORS Discharge database details >

Dioxins biota number of stations Open Data

This dataset contains all dioxinsstations by sub-basin in the Baltic Sea as reported to the HELCOM M

Issued on 2013-05-06

Dioxins biota number of stations details >

Skeneopsis planorbis (DD) Open Data

Observations of Skeneopsis planorbis were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List spe

Issued on

Skeneopsis planorbis (DD) details >

Perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS) 2018 water data Open Data

This dataset represents the underlying water data on core indicator Perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS

Issued on 2018-06-28

Perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS) 2018 water data details >

Fishing intensity Otter 2013 v2 Open Data

This dataset describes fishing intensity for Otter mobile bottom contacting gear in 2013 based on VM

Issued on 2017-11-01

Fishing intensity Otter 2013 v2 details >

Mudflats and sandflats (1140) Open Data

Mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide (according to Habitats Directive Annex I)

Issued on

Mudflats and sandflats (1140) details >

TBT and imposex 2018 sediment data Open Data

This dataset represents the underlying sediment data on core indicator TBT and imposex. The core ind

Issued on 2018-06-28

TBT and imposex 2018 sediment data details >

PLC Subbasins Open Data

This dataset shows the sub-basins of the Baltic Sea which are used for Baltic Sea Pollution Load Com

Issued on

PLC Subbasins details >

Abundance of waterbirds in the wintering season - pelagic feeders 2018 (HOLAS 2) Open Data

This core indicator evaluates the status of abundance of wintering waterbirds in the Baltic Sea regi

Issued on 2018-06-28

Abundance of waterbirds in the wintering season - pelagic feeders 2018 (HOLAS 2) details >

Shipping ArcGIS REST map service Open Data

This web mapping service contains data and maps related to shipping and pollution response. The ser

Issued on

Shipping ArcGIS REST map service details >

Pressures ArcGIS REST map service Open Data

This web mapping service contains datasets on land-based pollutions sources, human activities and ag

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Pressures ArcGIS REST map service details >

Human activities WMS Open Data

This web mapping service contains datasets on human activities layers used for Baltic Sea Pressures

Issued on

Human activities WMS details >

Pressures WMS Open Data

This web mapping service contains datasets on land-based pollutions sources, human activities and ag

Issued on

Pressures WMS details >

Land Claim (HOLAS 3) Open Data

The dataset contains the extent of the land claim (permanent or temporary establishments of the sea)

Issued on 2023-03-03

Land Claim (HOLAS 3) details >

Shipping density 2016-2020 (HOLAS 3) Open Data

The shipping density map highlights the intensity of all IMO registered ships operating in the Balti

Issued on 2023-03-13

Shipping density 2016-2020 (HOLAS 3) details >

Monitoring WMS Open Data

This web mapping service contains HELCOM monitoring stations network as defined in HELCOM Monitoring

Issued on

Monitoring WMS details >

Disturbance of species due to human presence (HOLAS 3) Open Data

This pressure dataset is derived from three human activities datasets Recreational boating and spor

Issued on

Disturbance of species due to human presence (HOLAS 3) details >

Extraction of seabirds - Bird hunting (HOLAS 3) Open Data

This dataset is built from following Human activities datasets: • https://metadata.helcom.fi/geonet

Issued on

Extraction of seabirds - Bird hunting (HOLAS 3) details >

Discharges of radioactive substances from NPPs (HOLAS 3) Open Data

The dataset represents the radioactive discharges from nuclear facilities in the Baltic Sea area. Da

Issued on 2023-02-24

Discharges of radioactive substances from NPPs (HOLAS 3) details >

Harbours (HOLAS 3) Open Data

The dataset contains points and polygons data of the Ports and ferry terminals in the Baltic Sea dow

Issued on 2023-02-21

Harbours (HOLAS 3) details >

Introduction of radionuclides (HOLAS 3) Open Data

Introduction of radionuclides is based on HELCOM MORS discharge data (2016-2020) . Annual averages o

Issued on

Introduction of radionuclides (HOLAS 3) details >

Wind farms (HOALS 3) Open Data

The dataset contains information on the location of individual turbines of the offshore wind farms i

Issued on 2023-03-06

Wind farms (HOALS 3) details >

Background ArcGIS REST map service Open Data

This service contains background datasets published by HELCOM, e.g. marine and terrestrial boundarie

Issued on

Background ArcGIS REST map service details >

Extraction of mammals - Seal hunting (HOLAS 3) Open Data

Hunting of Grey, ringed and harbour seals (2016-2021) Varying reporting units, from counties to HEL

Issued on

Extraction of mammals - Seal hunting (HOLAS 3) details >

Oil and Gas Refineries (HOLAS 3) Open Data

The dataset contains the location of oil refineries downloaded from the European Pollutant Release a

Issued on 2023-03-03

Oil and Gas Refineries (HOLAS 3) details >

Coastal defence and flood protection (HOLAS 3) Open Data

The dataset contains coastal defence and flood protection data that was made available by HELCOM Con

Issued on 2023-02-24

Coastal defence and flood protection (HOLAS 3) details >

Fossil fuel energy production (HOLAS 3) Open Data

The dataset contains the location of fossil fuel energy production facilities downloaded from the Eu

Issued on 2023-02-23

Fossil fuel energy production (HOLAS 3) details >

Oil slicks and spills (HOLAS 3) Open Data

The pressure oil slicks and spills is combination of following datasets: Illegal oil discharges (20

Issued on

Oil slicks and spills (HOLAS 3) details >

HOLAS II 2011-2015 indicator and assessment datasets (2017 version) Open Data

This dataset contains all indicator and assessment results and data for the State of the Baltic Sea

Issued on

HOLAS II 2011-2015 indicator and assessment datasets (2017 version) details >

Biodiversity WMS Open Data

This web mapping service contains datasets related to biodiversity such as Ecosystem components maps

Issued on

Biodiversity WMS details >

Harbour porpoise importance map 2016-2021 (HOLAS 3) Open Data

This map shows the distribution and abundance of harbour porpoise across the Baltic Sea. The ecosys

Issued on

Harbour porpoise importance map 2016-2021 (HOLAS 3) details >

Input of continuous anthropogenic sound (HOLAS 3) Open Data

Baseline excess level of noise Data modelled into 0.4 km x 0.4 km grid. Baseline excess sound pre

Issued on

Input of continuous anthropogenic sound (HOLAS 3) details >

Depositing sites (HOLAS 3) Open Data

This dataset contains depositing sites reported by HELCOM EN DREDS. The depositing sites are grouped

Issued on 2023-03-13

Depositing sites (HOLAS 3) details >

Dredging sites (HOLAS 3) Open Data

The dataset contains dredging sites in the marine environment that were made available by HELCOM Con

Issued on 2023-03-13

Dredging sites (HOLAS 3) details >

Extraction of fish - Sprat extraction (landings) (HOLAS 3) Open Data

The dataset contains the extraction of one of the target species, sprat, for the period 2016-2020. T

Issued on

Extraction of fish - Sprat extraction (landings) (HOLAS 3) details >

Marinas and leisure harbours (HOLAS 3) Open Data

This dataset contains point data for marinas and leisure harbours, downloaded from the OpenStreetMap

Issued on 2023-02-23

Marinas and leisure harbours (HOLAS 3) details >

Broad scale habitat types (HOLAS 3) Open Data

Data represent the presence/absence distribution of Broad Habitat types (BHT) in the Baltic Sea. The

Issued on 2023-02-13

Broad scale habitat types (HOLAS 3) details >

Input of hazardous substances (HOLAS 3) Open Data

Input of hazardous substances pressure layer is interpolated from CHASE Assessment tool concentratio

Issued on

Input of hazardous substances (HOLAS 3) details >
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