Depositing sites (HOLAS 3)

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Provided by HELCOM

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Dataset information

Available languages
HOLAS3, human activities, MADS
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This dataset contains depositing sites reported by HELCOM EN DREDS. The depositing sites are grouped by spatial data type to pointwise, line, and polygon datasets. Data covers the years 2016-2021. Attribute specifications and units Helcom site ID (Helcom_sit): Unique id for deposit site Dredging ID (Dredging_I): Dredging site id, where material originates from Unique ID (Unique_ID): Unique id for each depositing activity (Helcom site ID + Dredging ID + year) Site name (Site_name): Name of the deposit site Type of area dredged (Type_of_ar): Type of area that was dredged (e.g. harbour or sea) Dredging activity (Dredging_a): Maintenance or capital dredging Material deposited (Material_d): The type of material deposited (e.g. sand, silt) Amount deposited (tonnes) (Amount_dep): Amount of material that has been deposited to deposit site, tonnes dry weight Amount beneficial use (tonnes) (Amount_ben): Amount material used for beneficial purposes, tonnes dry weight Beneficial use (Beneficial): Description of beneficial use Year (Year): Year of activity Country (Country): Contracting Party of HELCOM Sub-basin (Sub_basin): HELCOM sub-basin (assessment unit level 2) where activity has taken place Comments (Comments): General comments related to activity Contaminants Cd - SPAH9: Amount of contaminant deposited, in tonnes dry weight Contaminants SPCB7 - MBT : Amount of contaminant deposited, in kilograms dry weight Other contaminants (kg) (Other_cont): Any other contaminant deposited (substance indicated in "notes") Petroleum HC (tonnes) (Petroleum_): Amount of Petroleum HC deposited, in tonnes dry weight HCB - DEHP DBP BBP: Amount of contaminant deposited, in kilograms dry weight Contaminant notes (Contaminan): Notes related to contaminant load Permit (Permit): Deposit site permit reference Quality flag (Quality_fl): Quality flag of data - Quality assured: Data is quality assured either in the annual verification or in a separate quality assurance process by EN DREDS - No quality assurance: Data is not quality assured due to the reason that process has not been carried out - No Quality assurance possible: Data quality assurance process has been made, but it was not possible to find the reference data to verify the parameters original_dreda: capital or maintenance as reported by the Contrasting Party
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