Abundance of salmon spawners and smolt 2018 data

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Dataset information

Available languages
MADS, Core indicator, HOLAS2 2018 Core indicator
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This dataset represents the underlying data on core indicator Abundance of salmon spawners and smolt. The indicator evaluates the status of the abundance of salmon spawners and smolt in the Baltic Sea based on salmon smolt production in rivers flowing into the sea, also making use of additional supporting data on numbers of adult spawners. Determination of whether the threshold value that determines good status is achieved is based on a comparison of estimated smolt production with an estimated potential smolt production capacity. River-specific information provided by ICES WGBAST has been joined with river geometry by HELCOM Secretariat. Attribute information: "River_name" = Name of the river "A_unit" = HELCOM scale 2 Assessment unit "ICES_A_uni" = ICES assessment unit number "Assessment" = HELCOM scale 2 Assessment unit "ICES_Asses" = Number of ICES assessment unit "Estimates_" = Estimates of wild smolt production (*1000) median value "F90_proba" = 90% probability interval "Method_of_" = Method of estimation (1. Bayesian linear regression model, i.e. river model, 2. Sampling of smolts and estimate of total smot run size, 3. Estimate of smolt run from parr production by relation developed in the sae iver, 4. Estimate of smolt run from parr production by relation developed in another river, 5. Inference of smolt production from data derived from similar rivers in the region, 6. Count of spawners, 7. Estimate inferred from stocking of reared fish in the river, 8. Salmon catch in river, exploitation and survival estimate) "Data_sourc" = Data source "Data_origi" = Data originator (natonal instiute) "National_m" = National monitoing (YES/NO) "Use_restri" = Use restrictions (YES/NO)
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