Metals (Cadmium) 2018 biota data

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Provided by HELCOM

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Dataset information

Available languages
MADS, Core indicator, HOLAS2 2018 Core indicator
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This dataset represents the underlying biota data on core indicator Heavy metals – Cadmium. The core indicator evaluates the status of the marine environment based on concentrations of heavy metal cadmium (Cd) in seawater, mussels and sediments. Quantitative thresholds are used to evaluate if core indicators status is Achieve, Fail or Not assessed. Threshold values are based on Environmental quality standards (EQS), defined at EU level for substances included in the priority list under the Water Framework Directive. Attribute information: "region" = name of subbasin "country" = country "station" = Unique code for the station "stationNam" = name for the station "latitude" = latitude coordinate of station "longitude" = longitude coordinate of station "determinan" = determinant parameter (CD = Cadmium) "detGroup" = the grouping of determinands used to display the results "species" = species of measurement "_shape" = shape used to map assessment results "colour" = colour used to map assessment results "l3area" = HELCOM assessment unit on scale 3 "l4area" = HELCOM assessment unit on scale 4 "nyall" = total number of years of data "nyfit" = number of years of data used in the assessment "nypos" = number of years with at least one measurement above the limit of detection "lastyear" = most recent year of data "prtrend" = the significance of the change over the most recent 20 years; for the assessment conducted in November 2017 and published in June 2018, this is the period 1996-2016 "rtrend" = annual ‘linear’ change over the most recent 20 years "meanLY" = fitted value in last monitoring year "clLY" = upper one-sided 95% confidence limit on fitted value in last monitoring year "HQS" = Threshold value "HQSdiff" = difference between clLY and HQS "HQSbelow" = whether the mean value in the last monitoring year is significantly below HQS
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