Radioactive substances Cesium-137 in fish 2018 data

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Dataset information

Available languages
MADS, HOLAS2 2018 Core indicator, Core indicator
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This dataset represents the underlying biota data on core indicator Radioactive substances: Cesium-137 for herring and for flatfish. The core indicator evaluates the state of the environment using the concentration of the radioactive isotope cesium-137 (137Cs) in herring, in flatfish and in surface waters. Quantitative thresholds are used to evaluate if core indicators status is Achieve, Fail or Not assessed. Good status is achieved when concentrations reach levels measured before the Chernobyl accident in 1986 when the biota of the Baltic Sea received the most significant contribution to their level of artificial radionuclides, predominantly in the form of 137Cs. This dataset displays the result of the indicator in HELCOM Assessment Scale 2 (Division of the Baltic Sea into 17 sub-basins). Attribute information: "KEY" = MORS Database unique sample identifier "Year" = Year of observation "STATION" = Name of sampling station "NUCLIDE" = Nuclide measured "BASINNAME" = Name of subbasin "TISSUE_DES" = Part of fish used for the measurement "RUBIN" = Species of measurement (CLUP HAR = herring, PLAT FLE = flatfish) "VALUE_Bq_k" = Value of measurement in Bq/kg "ERROR_" = error % of the measurement
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