La plateforme de données luxembourgeoise Open data in a single API request

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Natura 2000 — Special Protection Areas (Bird Areas) Open Data

Natura 2000 — Special Protection Areas (Bird Areas)

Issued on 2016-06-29T15:12:31.240Z

Natura 2000 — Special Protection Areas (Bird Areas) details >

Natura 2000 — Special Areas of Conservation (Areas Habitats) Open Data

Special areas of conservation designated under the European Habitats Directive. Special Areas of Con

Issued on 2016-06-29T12:07:07.342Z

Natura 2000 — Special Areas of Conservation (Areas Habitats) details >

Natura 2000 — ZPA- Special Protection Areas for Birds — Birds Directive Open Data

Natura 2000 — ZPA- Special Protection Areas for Birds — Birds Directive Data not transformed into

Issued on 2016-09-29T11:53:29.745Z

Natura 2000 — ZPA- Special Protection Areas for Birds — Birds Directive details >

Natural Basin Open Data

Natural Basin Measurement main watercourses- Automatically created dataset for INSPIRE Annexes II

Issued on 2016-09-29T11:43:34.101Z

Natural Basin details >

Nature parks 2020 Open Data

Nature parks of the Greater Region in 2020 — Sources: DREAL Grand Est 2019, IMA GDI NRW 2019, LANIS

Issued on 2020-11-30T10:36:21.876Z

Nature parks 2020 details >

Nature parks and protected areas 2018 Open Data

— Nature parks, biosphere reserves, Natura 2000 sites, areas under strict protection, green and blue

Issued on 2020-03-25T15:44:30.892Z

Nature parks and protected areas 2018 details >

CSSF Newsletter 2016 Open Data

News, Warnings, National regulations, Combating money laundering and terrorist financing, Banking re

Issued on 2019-01-23T08:36:47.162Z

CSSF Newsletter 2016 details >

CSSF Newsletter 2017 Open Data

News, Warnings, National regulations, Combating money laundering and terrorist financing, Banking re

Issued on 2019-01-23T08:36:37.438Z

CSSF Newsletter 2017 details >

Newsletter of the CSSF 2018 Open Data

News, Warnings, National regulations, Combating money laundering and terrorist financing, Banking re

Issued on 2019-01-22T10:15:28.870Z

Newsletter of the CSSF 2018 details >

CSSF Newsletter 2019 Open Data

News, National Regulations, Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, Banking Regulation and Si

Issued on 2019-01-28T08:56:52.338Z

CSSF Newsletter 2019 details >

Nights spent in tourist accommodations 2016 Open Data

— Number of nights spent and nights/population ratio in 2016; — Territorial level: NUTS 2 — Source

Issued on 2020-03-25T14:23:04.545Z

Nights spent in tourist accommodations 2016 details >

Number of cases of gastroenteritis Open Data

Number of cases of gastroenteritis

Issued on 2017-05-26T15:38:48.530Z

Number of cases of gastroenteritis details >

Number of taxpayers registered by type of tax Open Data

Number of taxpayers registered by type of tax

Issued on 2018-08-24T10:24:14.969Z

Number of taxpayers registered by type of tax details >

Number of taxpayers registered by type of tax Open Data

Number of taxpayers registered by type of tax

Issued on 2018-08-24T10:22:20.513Z

Number of taxpayers registered by type of tax details >

Number of COVID-19 patients in normal care and intensive care — number of COVID-19 patients in... Open Data

This dataset shows the number of COVID-19 patients in normal care and intensive care This dataset i

Issued on 2020-07-17T10:21:30.340Z

Number of COVID-19 patients in normal care and intensive care — number of COVID-19 patients in... details >

Number of COVID patients admitted and discharged from hospital per day — number of COVID patients... Open Data

This dataset shows the number of COVID patients admitted and discharged from hospital per day This

Issued on 2020-07-17T10:27:45.203Z

Number of COVID patients admitted and discharged from hospital per day — number of COVID patients... details >

Number of visits to the sites of the Luxembourg national geoportal Open Data

Table showing the number of visits to the various websites that form part of the national geoportal

Issued on 2017-09-11T16:09:46.297Z

Number of visits to the sites of the Luxembourg national geoportal details >

Information notes Open Data

Section dedicated to briefing notes

Issued on 2022-01-28T12:53:36.398Z

Information notes details >

Obs 2007 — Landcover 2007 Open Data

Obs 2007 — Landcover 2007 data not transformed into INSPIRE data model- Automatically created data

Issued on 2016-09-29T12:02:39.590Z

Obs 2007 — Landcover 2007 details >

Biophysical occupation of soil 2007 Open Data

Biophysical occupation of soil based on Corine Landcover nomenclature. 76 classes of land cover iden

Issued on 2016-06-29T15:28:24.233Z

Biophysical occupation of soil 2007 details >

Old-age dependency ratio of over 65s in 2016 Open Data

— Ratio between the number of older people (over 65) and the number of people of working age (20-64)

Issued on 2020-03-25T15:14:11.067Z

Old-age dependency ratio of over 65s in 2016 details >

Open Repository and Bibliography Open Data

Digital Repository for Open Access to University of Luxembourg publications. ORBilu was officially

Issued on 2016-12-09T15:35:10.230Z

Open Repository and Bibliography details >

Open Source Software contributed by the Public Sector in Luxembourg: dependencies Open Data

This dataset list the dependencies from the repositories contributed by the Public Sector in Luxembo

Issued on 2021-11-29T13:42:46.651Z

Open Source Software contributed by the Public Sector in Luxembourg: dependencies details >

Open Source Software contributed by the Public Sector in Luxembourg: organisations Open Data

This dataset provides the list of organisations who manage a set of repositories. The data has been

Issued on 2021-11-29T13:35:53.344Z

Open Source Software contributed by the Public Sector in Luxembourg: organisations details >

Open Source Software contributed by the Public Sector in Luxembourg: restitories Open Data

This dataset provides a list of repositories contributed by the Public Sector in Luxembourg. The dat

Issued on 2021-11-29T13:38:26.159Z

Open Source Software contributed by the Public Sector in Luxembourg: restitories details >

Openscreen_convention Open Data

Agreement between the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the non-profit association “Openscr

Issued on 2021-09-23T16:02:59.657Z

Openscreen_convention details >

Delta Vehicle Operations in Luxembourg Open Data

This monthly data export documents changes in registrations. This monthly data export contains the

Issued on 2017-09-27T16:00:20.560Z

Delta Vehicle Operations in Luxembourg details >

Luxembourg House Orches_Convention Open Data

Agreement between the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the non-profit association ‘Orchest

Issued on 2021-09-23T16:06:48.669Z

Luxembourg House Orches_Convention details >

Estro Armonico_Convention orchestra Open Data

Agreement between the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the non-profit association “Orchest

Issued on 2021-09-23T16:11:23.284Z

Estro Armonico_Convention orchestra details >

Orthophoto (2015) in Wintrange (wine consolidation Wintrange 2) (.tif et.jpg) Open Data

set of 11 orthophotos in Wintrange. Overview of 11 March 2015. (.tif and.jpg formats) Geoportail li

Issued on 2018-09-19T15:14:20.109Z

Orthophoto (2015) in Wintrange (wine consolidation Wintrange 2) (.tif et.jpg) details >

Orthophoto (2015) of the Stadtbredimus 2 Membership (.jpg) Open Data

Orthophotos of the wine consolidation project Stadtbredimus 2. Flight by Hansaluftbild on March 11,

Issued on 2018-09-06T08:24:08.868Z

Orthophoto (2015) of the Stadtbredimus 2 Membership (.jpg) details >

Orthophoto (2015) of the Stadtbredimus 2 Membership (.tif) Open Data

Orthophoto of the wine consolidation project Stadtbredimus II. Flight Hansa Luftbild on 11 March 201

Issued on 2018-09-06T09:25:09.954Z

Orthophoto (2015) of the Stadtbredimus 2 Membership (.tif) details >

Orthophoto (2021) Harlange 2 Membership (.jpg) Open Data

Orthophotos of the Rural Rememberment project Harlange 2. Overview of 18 October 2021. (581 MB.jpg f

Issued on 2022-03-29T11:14:57.124Z

Orthophoto (2021) Harlange 2 Membership (.jpg) details >

Orthophoto (2021) Harlange 2 Membership (.tif) Open Data

Orthophotos of the Rural Rememberment project Harlange 2. Overview of 18 October 2021 (.tif format 1

Issued on 2022-03-29T11:27:42.296Z

Orthophoto (2021) Harlange 2 Membership (.tif) details >

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2001 edition Open Data

This dataset contains the photographs of the official orthophoto, presented by the cadastre and topo

Issued on 2016-08-02T11:53:54.967Z

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2001 edition details >

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2004 edition Open Data

This dataset contains the photographs of the official orthophoto, presented by the cadastre and topo

Issued on 2016-08-01T14:58:20.673Z

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2004 edition details >

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2007 edition Open Data

This dataset contains the photographs of the official orthophoto, presented by the cadastre and topo

Issued on 2016-08-02T13:56:21.865Z

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2007 edition details >

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2010 edition Open Data

This dataset contains the photographs of the official orthophoto, presented by the cadastre and topo

Issued on 2016-08-02T14:01:36.686Z

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2010 edition details >

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2013 edition Open Data

This dataset contains the photographs of the official orthophoto, presented by the cadastre and topo

Issued on 2017-01-17T11:39:42.597Z

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2013 edition details >

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2016 edition Open Data

This dataset contains the clichés of the official orthophoto, presented by the cadastre and topograp

Issued on 2017-11-08T14:14:03.813Z

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2016 edition details >

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2017 edition Open Data

This dataset contains the clichés of the official orthophoto, presented by the cadastre and topograp

Issued on 2018-09-12T11:48:54.709Z

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2017 edition details >

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2018 edition Open Data

This dataset contains the photos of the official orthophoto, presented by the cadastre and topograph

Issued on 2018-11-23T15:08:42.097Z

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2018 edition details >

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2019 edition Open Data

This dataset contains the clichés of the official orthophoto, presented by the cadastre and topograp

Issued on 2019-12-02T11:16:01.259Z

Official orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2019 edition details >

Technical orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2019 winter edition Open Data

In mid-February 2019, ACT conducted a LiDAR overflight across the country. This orthophoto, which is

Issued on 2020-04-01T13:44:22.331Z

Technical orthophoto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2019 winter edition details >

Pag Beaufort Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2019-10-17T16:38:35.215Z

Pag Beaufort details >

Pag Bech Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2018-09-24T10:35:53.355Z

Pag Bech details >

Pag Bertrange Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2019-08-28T09:24:44.963Z

Pag Bertrange details >

Pag Bettembourg Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2019-09-20T09:52:55.210Z

Pag Bettembourg details >

Pag Betzdorf Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2019-09-23T08:33:18.820Z

Pag Betzdorf details >

Pag Boulaide Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2016-11-23T16:08:17.916Z

Pag Boulaide details >

Pag Bous Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2019-01-14T11:25:04.021Z

Pag Bous details >

Pag Clervaux Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2019-12-03T17:06:54.223Z

Pag Clervaux details >

Pag Diekirch Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2016-11-18T08:48:07.215Z

Pag Diekirch details >

Pag Ell Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2020-07-03T14:28:17.575Z

Pag Ell details >

Pag Erpeldange-sur-Sûre Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2018-10-22T07:32:11.196Z

Pag Erpeldange-sur-Sûre details >

Pag Esch-sur-Alzette Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2022-01-26T14:03:30.999Z

Pag Esch-sur-Alzette details >

Pag Ettelbruck Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2022-03-07T14:13:49.765Z

Pag Ettelbruck details >

Pag Feulen Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2020-01-09T11:15:02.772Z

Pag Feulen details >

Pag Frisange Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2021-09-30T13:33:01.939Z

Pag Frisange details >

Mr Pag Garnich Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2021-10-06T09:22:31.132Z

Mr Pag Garnich details >

Pag Grevenmacher Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2021-09-15T09:30:35.166Z

Pag Grevenmacher details >

Pag Grosbous Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2016-11-21T16:01:16.752Z

Pag Grosbous details >

Pag Heffingen Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2021-01-15T14:50:02.216Z

Pag Heffingen details >

Pag Helperknapp Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2019-01-23T09:45:06.529Z

Pag Helperknapp details >

Pag Junglinster Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2018-09-26T14:53:08.227Z

Pag Junglinster details >

Pag Kaerjeng Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2016-11-21T13:32:54.059Z

Pag Kaerjeng details >

Pag Kayl Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2018-05-30T11:02:13.090Z

Pag Kayl details >

Pag Kehlen Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2021-01-15T14:42:47.100Z

Pag Kehlen details >

PAG Kiischpelt Open Data

Le plan d’aménagement général (« PAG ») se compose d’une partie graphique et écrite. D’une manière

Issued on 2022-01-12T07:27:53.758Z

PAG Kiischpelt details >

Pag Lac de la Haute-Sûre Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2016-11-22T17:18:55.303Z

Pag Lac de la Haute-Sûre details >

Pag Leudelange Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2021-09-01T10:35:23.924Z

Pag Leudelange details >

Pag Manternach Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data

Issued on 2018-05-08T08:22:56.369Z

Pag Manternach details >

Pag Mersch Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2017-03-20T10:53:30.976Z

Pag Mersch details >

Pag Mertert Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2020-04-17T12:57:58.947Z

Pag Mertert details >

Pag Mondercange Open Data

The general development plan (“PAG”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data a

Issued on 2021-10-22T10:28:20.880Z

Pag Mondercange details >

Pag Mondorf-les-bains Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2021-08-02T09:07:45.708Z

Pag Mondorf-les-bains details >

Pag Niederanven Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2016-11-24T16:10:54.930Z

Pag Niederanven details >

Pag Nommern Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2016-11-21T09:43:41.055Z

Pag Nommern details >

Pag Park Hosingen Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2019-01-11T07:11:05.610Z

Pag Park Hosingen details >

Pag Pétange Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2018-05-02T10:37:23.250Z

Pag Pétange details >

Pag Préizerdaul Open Data

The general development plan (“PAG”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data a

Issued on 2021-11-05T09:04:22.676Z

Pag Préizerdaul details >

Pag Rambrouch Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2019-11-27T10:34:18.692Z

Pag Rambrouch details >

Pag Reckange -sur-Mess Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2020-02-20T11:16:48.347Z

Pag Reckange -sur-Mess details >

Pag Redange Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2016-11-23T16:28:29.945Z

Pag Redange details >

Pag Reisdorf Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2016-11-21T15:21:24.177Z

Pag Reisdorf details >

Pag Roeser Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2017-02-16T08:09:12.841Z

Pag Roeser details >

Pag Rumelange Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2020-08-27T08:26:03.090Z

Pag Rumelange details >

Pag Sanem Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2019-12-10T16:42:19.812Z

Pag Sanem details >

Pag Schengen Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2020-11-16T13:43:34.258Z

Pag Schengen details >

Pag Schieren Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2020-12-28T13:25:50.175Z

Pag Schieren details >

Pag Stadtbredimus Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2020-10-26T15:12:56.751Z

Pag Stadtbredimus details >

Pag Steinsel Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2020-01-17T14:36:44.172Z

Pag Steinsel details >

Pag Useldange Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2016-11-23T15:11:26.241Z

Pag Useldange details >

Pag Ernz Valley Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2017-01-10T14:50:51.413Z

Pag Ernz Valley details >

Pag Waldbillig Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2016-12-15T15:38:04.327Z

Pag Waldbillig details >

PAG Waldbredimus Open Data

Le plan d’aménagement général (« PAG ») se compose d’une partie graphique et écrite. D’une manière

Issued on 2022-01-12T07:22:07.790Z

PAG Waldbredimus details >

Pag Weiler-la-Tour Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2021-03-01T16:04:30.353Z

Pag Weiler-la-Tour details >


The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2017-05-10T16:08:09.475Z

PAG WILTZ details >

Pag Winseler Open Data

The general development plan (“GAP”) consists of a graphic and written part. In general, the data i

Issued on 2016-11-22T14:19:04.610Z

Pag Winseler details >

Luxembourg Automotive Park Open Data

This monthly data export contains all vehicles registered in Luxembourg. This monthly data export

Issued on 2017-09-27T15:50:23.360Z

Luxembourg Automotive Park details >
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